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Anonymous (7 replies)
What caused all of the flu variants and lead to the yearly booster shot phenomenon? Around 48% of the population actually has the flu vaccine (unsure if this is over all or just for each year desu), so would the situation be similar to the cause of covid mutations, except for the low immunity period between shots?
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>>13498961 you dropped your image, king
>>13498871 Yearly booster shot is mainly an american phenomena.
t. northern european
>>13498964 This, think the last flu-shot i got (not counting phizer this year) was for the birdflue or swinefu or whatever it was called, must be like 10 years ago at least.
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>>13498871 The 'flu variants come from China usually.
>Most strains of influenza from the past and virtually all new strains of the disease originated in China. By one estimate 80 percent of the influenzas that appeared in the last couple of decades originated in southern China, particularly in Guangdong, where there are millions if ducks, chicken, pigs and other animals believed to be the source of many of the flu-causing germs. Anonymous
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>>13498971 Only people who get annual shots are high risk groups (elderly, healthcare workers, people with shitty immune systems, etc). Other than that, it's not really a thing.
Anonymous (12 replies)
"Autism" is a higher level of existence. The next step in evolution. Every autism awareness group employs propaganda (such as pic related) which convinces neurotypicals that they're autistic and deserve special treatment; while holding back actual "autistic" people by saying they're disabled and oppressed. Smart normies (the ruling class) know this. Others (the vast majority) then correlate "autism" with inferiority, when in fact it is superiority.
>Many interests
>High intelligence
>Either emotionless or ultra-empathetic
>Strong sense of objectivity
If "autistic" people are real then they are far superior to other people.
The pigeonholeing of "autistic" people is a ploy to hold back human evolution. Why else would things like electric shock therapy exist? It's to threaten and even kill the superior population.
Autism isn't real. But something is, and the smart normies call it autism. Again- If "autistic" people are real then they are far superior to everyone else. Most normies would be jealous if they knew the truth. So the smart ones among them lie.
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>>13498229 >"Autism" is a higher level of existence. The next step in evolution. Every autism awareness group employs propaganda (such as pic related) which convinces neurotypicals that they're autistic and deserve special treatment; while holding back actual "autistic" people by saying they're disabled and oppressed. Smart normies (the ruling class) know this. Others (the vast majority) then correlate "autism" with inferiority, when in fact it is superiority. >>Many interests >>High intelligence >>Either emotionless or ultra-empathetic >>Strong sense of objectivity >If "autistic" people are real then they are far superior to other people. >The pigeonholeing of "autistic" people is a ploy to hold back human evolution. Why else would things like electric shock therapy exist? It's to threaten and even kill the superior population. >Autism isn't real. But something is, and the smart normies call it autism. Again- If "autistic" people are real then they are far superior to everyone else. Most normies would be jealous if they knew the truth. So the smart ones among them lie. Anonymous
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I don't think autism is "a higher level of evolution" because most autistics are fat and/or ugly. Its a divergent level of evolution, autistic people could branch of from the rest of humanity if society broke down/they were isolated for awhile and fill the environmental niche of lumbering bears, hostile and unpredictable predators that gorge on berries and frighten villages.
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Yo maybe your shitty next step in evolution shouldn't share a name with a crippling disorder, just a thought. Most autistic people do not function well and can't accomplish anything.
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Autism is fake, as well as every other 'neurological condition' invented by big pharma to keep the masses milkable cattle. Every conscious being in the world is simply unique in their own way, that's all.
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>>13498229 >"Autism" is a higher level of existence Higher by how much in what units given by which metric?
Anonymous (42 replies)
Anybody else observe pic related IRL all the time? Not religion specifically but just in general? Whenever I encounter a "smart" professional like a lawyer, doctor or engineer they are always the most arrogantly close minded people and extrapolate their intelligence across all areas. Meanwhile I watch a megabrain interview on youtube and they seem much more open to new ideas and humble about how much they don't know. Why is this?
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>>13497870 >Experts are dumb >Jewtubers are smart Bait. Kys you pathetic waste of life.
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>>13497953 You're assuming it's the midwits who arrogantly call OP a moron. It's the folded brains doing that, and the smoothbrains. Whilst it's the midwits who think civility == intelligence. Being civil doesn't make you smart you retarded cum guzzling faggot. Kys
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>>13498231 Oh great another retarded faggot midwit who doesn't understand the DK effect whilst preaching it. The DK effect showed that people of all intelligences overestimated their intelligence. Only that the most intelligent tended to overestimate theirs less than the smoothbrains. Drink bleach pseud.
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This thread was moved to
Anonymous (32 replies)
Here's an over-100 page thesis on how the Abrahamic God is a time traveler and the Jews are the tribe of Satan.
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>>13494695 Whoops wrong image
Why does tooker doesn't post here anymore? What happened?
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>>13495870 He's posted 5 times in this thread.
Anonymous (5 replies)
>Orexin antagonists have multiple potential clinical applications including the treatment of drug addiction, insomnia, obesity and diabetes.[14][15][16][17][18][19][20][21]
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>>13498886 >>13498886 also, FUCK JEWS and Bill Gates Worshipers
Anonymous (16 replies)
Would you consider computers to have emergent systems? Simple parts interacting to give rise to complexity greater than the sum of those parts.
i.e. countless logic gates eventually culminating into the internet, videogames, or artificial intelligence.
I'm writing something on emergence and want to give some in depth examples but don't want to sound stupid using this as an example if its not one.
Some other examples I'm more confident about are economic markets, ant colonies and bird/fish flocking - but I'm trying to convey the idea that emergence is everywhere, not just in animals. I'm planning to mention consciousness as a possible example of emergence as well, if you subscribe to physicalism.
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>>13496083 I think they are trained on basic maths. My evidence is that is you ask it mathematically worded questions like
>what is ten times fifty-five? then you'll get the right answer, but if you ask it something like
>if Billy has 6 apples and give 4 of them to Cindy, how many apples does Billy have left? then it completely fucks up.
>>13496083 >This seems to fit into the systems of systems description that you gave, no? Yes, exactly.
Neural networks specifically and deliberately leverage the process of emergence to solve a trained task, often in unpredictable and novel ways:
> So whilst emergence can manifest in any sufficiently complex system, there are indeed cybernetic systems designed specifically to foment and exploit emergent behaviours (see Stafford Beer's "pond brain" leveraging the emergent properties of the ecosystem of a pond as a homeostatic controller running a steel factory in lieu of a human management team), and GPT-3 is another excellent (and more modern but less fun) example of this.
To me, though, the whole point is that any emergent system, or artificial intelligence—soft or hard or GP or whatever—need not run on silicon at all; any sufficiently complex system is capable of it: our brains being the prime example.
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>>13496641 >leveraging the emergent properties of the ecosystem of a pond as a homeostatic controller running a steel factory in lieu of a human management team) I'm an microecologist with an interest in metallurgy. This thought experiment makes my willy wiggle.
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Are two stones an emergent system compared to one stone?
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>>13494025 thats what neural nets are designed to be
Anonymous (5 replies)
joke (9 replies)
yall bellajankies will never achieve it , doing black magic , you should try white magic with money and books if you know what i mean!
>>13498775 The sign is a subtle joke. The shop is called "Sneed's Feed & Seed", where feed and seed both end in the sound "-eed", thus rhyming with the name of the owner, Sneed. The sign says that the shop was "Formerly Chuck's", implying that the two words beginning with "F" and "S" would have ended with "-uck", rhyming with "Chuck". So, when Chuck owned the shop, it would have been called "Chuck's Fuck and Suck".
But the real joke is on us. The joke being that people murdered half the world looking for philosophers stones and eternal youth when really there were several thousand of them just happily bobbing along in the ocean. Red tint and all. As if to mock the very notion of their conquests. joke
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>>13498795 >s a subtle joke. The shop is called "Sneed's Feed & Seed", where feed and seed both end in the sound "-eed", thus rhyming with the name of the owner, Sneed. The sign says that the shop was "Formerly Chuck's", implying that the two words beginning with "F" and "S" would have ended with "-uck", rhyming with "Chuck". So, when Chuck owned the shop, it would have been called "Chuck's Fuck and Suck". >But the real joke is on us. The joke being that people murdered half the world looking for philosophers stones and eternal youth when really there were several thousand of them just happily bobbing along in the ocean. Red tint and all. As if to mock the very notion of their conq >>13498795 sounds kinda cool ngl.
>>13498795 >lapis philosophorum Stone made from the Ichor of The Gods.
Blood Stone of The Gods.
Philosophers Stone. >Red tint and all. As if to mock the very notion of their conquests. The scariest part about this post desu.
>>13498815 Even more ironic when you realize that this creature grows particularly bountifully in the mediterranean sea. As if purposefully blinded by the gods and only given to them at the end when they no longer wanted it.
Birthplace of western philosophy. All they had to do was literally put their hands in the waters and draw their prize, instead, mass conquest of the world was enacted. Trillions of souls lost to time. For nothing.
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>>13498830 If there is a God. He has a sense of humor.
Anonymous (18 replies)
>long conductive pole
>bottom end turning electricity to heat
>top end getting electric charge from lightning or straight from electric potential difference in clouds vs earth
>generator making electricity from steam at bottom end
>steam is more conductive than air so it conducts electricity to the pole even easier and from higher and larger area
Now I just need to invent way to pass that cancerous captcha
>>13497716 why would you need steam if the lightning provides sufficient energy, your design will fail
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>>13497748 No battery or shit like that can handle the power of lightning so you need way to convert it to more user friendly and constant
GE did a crap ton of internal research into harnessing lightning for power in the 1950's-1980's GE found that harnessing lightning for power was not worth attempting. So if that company, bent on profit, decided not to do it after 3 decades of trying, why do you think your idea is special? GE was trying to make capacitors the size of football fields to capture lightning. The first bolt that hit one of those capacitors, blew a hole in the cap, the size of a beach ball, and rendered it useless.
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>>13498792 imbecile. you do not understand the point of the thread
your reliance on social methods to evaluate the op scenario is mentally defective
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>>13497716 >Thick at the top and thinner at the bottom Oof, the engineering nightmare
Anonymous (15 replies)
How hard is linear algebra. I struggled my way through Discrete Mathematics and thought Algorithms and Data Structures was ok.
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I still do not understand the spectral theorem and a lot of the matrix decompositions
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>>13495789 Have fun then, it's an interesting class. So long as you dont slack off you will be fine. Some people have a hard time wrapping their heads around the subject at first but if you take your time there's no worries. Personally I the first time I took it I told myself I'd learn the shit 3 days before the midterm thinking it would be easier and had to drop it due to atrocious marks. Some of my peers found calc 2 harder some found linear algebra harder. I re took it next semester and got like 96%, so Id recommend you get a good idea as to whether or not you have natural intuition for it or not asap and estimate how much study and work time you need. If you do this, you should get good marks.
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>>13494910 it's easy, but if you thought discrete was hard then idk
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>>13495278 >PDE's Do you mean ODE's? PDE's are not that hard, but I wouldn't lump it in with linear equations as being easy...
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>>13494910 It's fairly easy up to inner product spaces and the first diagonalization theorem. Once they start introducing the machinery for Cayley-Hamilton, spectral theorem, canonical forms and primary decomposition theorem I honestly got pretty lost