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No.13499530 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Imagine there's some sort of emergency that requires relatively quick evacuation of a huge area (e.g. an earthquake causes California to start slowly sinking into the ocean).
To help out, Boeing makes a new airframe design based on the C-17 to carry tons of people in a short period of time. The FAA gives emergency approval for the use of this design. Boeing makes a deal with the US government to be immune from legal action if the plane kills anyone. Production begins immediately and is subsidized with taxpayer money.
Then 18 months later, Boeing is still selling the new plane all over the world. The FAA is spinning its wheels on approval. Boeing makes money hand-over-fist. The only people who have not been evacuated don't trust the design.
Arguments for continued use:
>Boeing has been making planes for decades
>The airframe technology has existed in the C-17 for years
>The FAA wouldn't give emergency approval if it wasn't safe
Arguments against continued use:
>Boeing planes have crashed due to design flaws before
>Boeing has been caught colluding with the FAA in the past
Convince me that this isn't what's happening with Pfizer and the covid vaccine. Does anyone here have experience with the FDA? Do you trust their safeguards? Do you trust them to not be influenced by the immense pressure to approve the vaccine?
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No.13495871 ViewReplyOriginalReport
This is very alarming. What can the average first world person do to prepare for the consequences of climate change?
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The Absurdity Priniciple

No.13498748 ViewReplyOriginalReport
The existence of the universe is fundamentally absurd. Is the absurdity of the universe being created truly more absurd than the absurdity of the universe simply existing? Would the absurdity of the universe being created really push it into a deeper realm of absurdity? Or does the universe having a creator simply mirror the expected absurdity of such an absurd system?
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/sfg/ - Space Flight General

No.13496648 ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Soyuz edition

Previous: >>13493284
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Human fodder ingredients

No.13498619 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Let's say I had a human farm. Like an actual literal human farm where I round up all the humans, keep them in a stall or something where they can socialise and stuff, and watch the glorious mound of shit they create.

What would be the cheapest/most cost effective but also most nutritionally complete way to feed the humans at my farm? What ingredients would you have and what way would it be processed into the best possible fodder for humans? I guess a lot of animal feed grade grain and onions isn't really fit for human consumption so that could factor into the equation.
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(phsyicalism implies panchyism)

No.13498884 ViewReplyOriginalReport
according to science;Are plants sentient and self-aware? how do i reduce damage to animal,plants,insects and micro-organisms in daily life?
fruits have SEEDS;potential lives. should I consume the seeds and then bury my poop ? place the seeds manually on dug ground?
Sperm is alive;AS a celibate male,how do i prevent wet dreams,which murder sperm cells?
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No.13499436 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Hello, could somebody help identify what kind of tortoise this shell was torn off?
All clues point to some sort of African tortoise, looks a bit like
the shell itself came from north africa, so leopard tortoise doesn't really fit

Also, how do I properly clean it? I have already got rid of all soft tissues on the inside, I also want to boil it for a bit to get rid of anything I missed, paint over the cracks (the shell itself is about 10 years old, not my fault), apply wood varnish and finish? would that be okay?
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Behavioral Sink during the pandemic?

No.13499059 ViewReplyOriginalReport
I’ve been a fan Calhoun’s Rat Utopia for a long while and started noticing that his research is similar to what’s happening during this pandemic. Due to Covid you have to stay cooped up in your house with your roommates. Similar to that of mice in a cage and prisoners in a jail. The traits that I could find in these three are:
>Increased aggression
I’m sure there are more similarities that I couldn’t.
These might explain the surge of violent riots and people coming out as gay during these times.
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