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(21 replies)

Gay trees

No.13498875 ViewReplyOriginalReport
>The theory is that cities are planting only “male trees” because capitalism doesn’t want people to get free fruit from “female trees”. Therefore, TikTokers have been declaring that “male trees” are producing too much pollen with “no females to fertilise”.
>Although it is tempting to blame hayfever on capitalism, a crop scientist has taken to Twitter to debunk the claim.

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(13 replies)
No.13499525 ViewReplyOriginalReport
wut’re the fundamentals of computer science? Algorithms, discrete math, data structures?
t. ECE retard trying to get gud
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(39 replies)
No.13495967 ViewReplyOriginalReport
How do we defend against space debris if a ship traveling at near the speed of light would create an explosion with more energy then all of humanity if it hit a pebble ?
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(27 replies)

Retarded competition

No.13495768 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Who's more retarded according to /sci/? It's a very close contest, I know. But imo
Covid denialists, who negate the existence of the virus, win. To think that the entire planet has staged a pandemic to hurt its own economy is insanely retarded, especially considering that it's not a past event and you're experiencing it right now

>Climate change negationists
>Evolution negationists
>Covid negationists
>Flat earthers
>Holocaust denialists
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(56 replies)

I want to see if /sci/tzens is really that smart

No.13497320 ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Listen to this statement:

"Two robbers go down a chimney. One comes out with a black face full of soot, and the other come down with a completely clean face. Which robber washes his face?"

What's the first question that comes to your mind?
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(5 replies)
No.13499988 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Call it 'human milk feeding': Doctors announce new 'gender-inclusive' terms

Terms such as "mother," "breast," "breast milk," and "breastfeeding" are no longer acceptable.

Last week, the Academy of Breastfeeding Medicine announced that it is replacing these terms with "lactation-related language" to achieve "desexed or gender-inclusive language."

Though it contains "breastfeeding" in its name, the ABM will now use "mammary gland" to refer to "breast" and "human milk feeding" instead of "breastfeeding."

Laura Kair, medical director of newborn care at University of California Davis Children's Hospital, was the only professor to serve on the taskforce that produced the statement.

Kair and the rest of the ABM taskforce included three suggestions to make future medical research more gender inclusive. These suggestions include “broader gender categories," to “not assume that lactation follows a birth”, and “include information on history of hormone therapy and surgeries for transgender participants.”

Per the UC Davis website, Kair stated, "Language has power. The language that we use should be as inclusive as possible when discussing infant feeding."

Campus Reform reached out to Kair and ABM; this article will be updated accordingly.
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No.13499345 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Is it possible for a human to spontaneously combust?
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No.13500722 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Any of you guys knowledgeable on how GAFAM want to attain IMMORTALITY?
What are the main serious lead on that take?

Is it with epigenetics epitherapy?
Like printing 3D new organs by cultivating stem cell, and graft them afterwards.

Or going full human clone and at 20 years old, kill the boy, and transplant your brain and your spinal cord into your 7 feet huge cock muscular perfect jawline black clone.

But seriously how would they do that?
(7 replies)
No.13500599 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Can science explain this?
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Help please (if you can)

No.13500654 ViewReplyOriginalReport
I am finishing an engineering degree abroad in a non ABET accredited uni and want to come back to the us and work. How can I get an ABET accredited degree or certified without repeating uni all over again?