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No.13501030 ViewReplyOriginalReport
>real analysis next semester
what should I expect
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No.13494791 ViewReplyOriginalReport
>"heh, that's just correlation. nothing personnel."
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What does spaghettification feel like?

No.13490477 ViewReplyOriginalReport
35 posts and 7 images omitted
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No.13499493 ViewReplyOriginalReport
What's the best algorithm to encrypt my DNA?
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No.13501602 ViewReplyOriginalReport
I will sign into Aeronautical Engineering, what can I expect?
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No.13499753 ViewReplyOriginalReport
I have a technical question about dark energy/dark matter.
Could it be an extraterrestrial "technosignature"?
We know that duality particles are able to be a wave form and a particle.
We know that their wave form collapses, if observed.

So if there are living observers spread across an entire galaxy, those wave forms are collapsing at points they otherwise would not have.

This would have a direct influence on the state of that galaxy, I would think, in comparison to a galaxy that has no live observers.
(7 replies)
No.13497752 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Will med schools reject me if they see that I dropped out of one school and started over at another?
I did fuck-all towards a comp sci BA for two years and ended up with a 2.7, thinking about going back for a bachelors in bio or nursing and then on to med school but I'm not sure if my old transcript with a shit GPA and failed classes will disqualify me.
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No.13496969 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Let's consider an impossible abstract situation.

A man is travelling in space at a speed slightly above the speed of light. What does he see? Is his own body invisible? Is he fully blinded because light can't catch up? Does he see the light from the past?
(28 replies)
No.13495815 ViewReplyOriginalReport
We could make a big dent in climate change and pollution by pursuing a huge national venture the size of the Apollo project with the goal to replace coal with nuclear and renewable energy. We could then pursue a second ambitious project to repeal excessive NIMBY regulations and cover the US with a high speed train network that would provide a great alternative to air travel, which creates a lot of carbon emmissions.
Why aren't we doing this?
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