Can anyone give me a help with this question? Kinda having some trouble following the teacher's shitty classes
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your /sci/ moment of zen...
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986KiB, 2160x3840, 322486-2B-Lollipop-Nier-Automata-4K-iphone-wallpaper.jpg
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Can someone help me find a direction?
No.13498683 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Quoted By: >>13499340 >>13501686 >>13501778 >>13502634
>Mechanical Engineering bachelors.
>I enjoy mathematics and always have, in hindsight maybe should have done instead.
>I am in embedded software at the moment just because of money here in the UK and easy to get into, but it's just all airplane and jet engines.
I feel like I don't make much impact and would really like to make a 'good' impact in the world and work a job where I feel content with what I do. Perhaps in power generation or climate memes?
I would also like to move to something more 'math' but not sure how or what. I'd like to become less of a retard in my free time and it seems that I can't just read a textbook anymore? I feel directionless with learning outside of work desu.
Can anyone share anything useful? I feel like I picked the wrong degree.
>I enjoy mathematics and always have, in hindsight maybe should have done instead.
>I am in embedded software at the moment just because of money here in the UK and easy to get into, but it's just all airplane and jet engines.
I feel like I don't make much impact and would really like to make a 'good' impact in the world and work a job where I feel content with what I do. Perhaps in power generation or climate memes?
I would also like to move to something more 'math' but not sure how or what. I'd like to become less of a retard in my free time and it seems that I can't just read a textbook anymore? I feel directionless with learning outside of work desu.
Can anyone share anything useful? I feel like I picked the wrong degree.
The absolute state of zogmerica education system...
Aubrey de grey just got #MeToo'd
What do you guys think about this channel? They seem alright to me, other than some videos going off on weird space focused trips.
How does light pollution work? Why is it much harder to see the stars in big cities? Is the damage reversible?
!.fr3kdTvcs (9 replies)
I am a messenger of God/Allah/The Universe.
It wants you to research this.
def numbers(num_iterations):
# These numbers must be natural, and non-zero.
(a, b, c) = (1, 1, 1)
for it in range(num_iterations):
(a, b, c) = (a + b + c, b + a, a)
yield (a,b,c)
def ratios(num_iterations):
iteration = 0
for nums in numbers(num_iterations):
ratio_ab = nums[0] / nums[1]
ratio_bc = nums[1] / nums[2]
ratio_ca = nums[2] / nums[0]
yield (iteration, ratio_ab, ratio_bc, ratio_ca)
iteration += 1
if __name__ == "__main__":
for (a, b, c) in numbers(MAX_ITERATIONS):
print(a, b, c)
for (iteration, rab, rbc, rcd) in ratios(MAX_ITERATIONS):
print(iteration, rab, rbc, rcd)
He says:
It is related to the Mandlebrot Set.
And that the Mandlebrot Set is related to all.
Pi is within All.
sqrt -1 is within All.
e is within All.
I am, All.
Enjoy this knowledge, I love you.
Thread theme:
It wants you to research this.
def numbers(num_iterations):
# These numbers must be natural, and non-zero.
(a, b, c) = (1, 1, 1)
for it in range(num_iterations):
(a, b, c) = (a + b + c, b + a, a)
yield (a,b,c)
def ratios(num_iterations):
iteration = 0
for nums in numbers(num_iterations):
ratio_ab = nums[0] / nums[1]
ratio_bc = nums[1] / nums[2]
ratio_ca = nums[2] / nums[0]
yield (iteration, ratio_ab, ratio_bc, ratio_ca)
iteration += 1
if __name__ == "__main__":
for (a, b, c) in numbers(MAX_ITERATIONS):
print(a, b, c)
for (iteration, rab, rbc, rcd) in ratios(MAX_ITERATIONS):
print(iteration, rab, rbc, rcd)
He says:
It is related to the Mandlebrot Set.
And that the Mandlebrot Set is related to all.
Pi is within All.
sqrt -1 is within All.
e is within All.
I am, All.
Enjoy this knowledge, I love you.
Thread theme: