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Anonymous (15 replies)
you should be able to solve this
>>13503480 I'll never get an engineering job, thank god
>>13503256 >>13503507 >Measuring pH or earthquake magnitude in base e Do mathematicians really
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>>13503514 No, I would measure it with log_10 like anyone else, if only for conventional reasons
Anonymous (18 replies)
I’d like to ask the psychs of /sci/
Is it natural to be attracted to teenage girls?
Say I lived in a state that had 16 as the age of consent, if I were to be attracted to a 17 year old is this normal?
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>>13502753 >faggot >as long as there is a wet hole nothing will stop me Nice self description
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>>13502247 Except in this case it’s completely legal
>>13502141 Some 17 year olds are very mature for their age. That being said I think one of the cool things about this idea is that you can get her so young that if you stay with her she will grow and adapt to you over time. Most women are already too far gone by the age of 25. Train her OP
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>>13503210 Your idea is good in theory, but she will hit a point around 20-21 where she decides she wants to “find herself” ie the cock carousel. Then you’ll be worse off than if you had just not played the female game at all.
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>>13503210 is true for man to
>t. a man
Anonymous (6 replies)
so this is the power of the vaccine...
Covid causes hair loss so she's getting it alright.
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>>13503081 or maybe it is one of those beta kids who have 20 different genetic illnesses at the time of their birth, and excessive hair loss is one of them
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>>13503062 None of the Vaccines have passed the Phase 3 trials.
Why are you openly denying science?
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>>13503041 Just shave it bro :)
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This means it's working you conspiracy tard /pol/cels.
Anonymous (5 replies)
Hey, you! Yes, you. I can prove that you're a virgin who likes to eat cum.
Consider the following statement:
"If you like to eat cum, it means you had sex"
it is clearly false.
So we can say:
where P is "You like to eat cum", and Q is "You had sex".
However, "not(P=>Q)" can also be written as:
P and not Q
therefore, the following statement:
"You like to eat cum, and you never had sex"
is necessarily true.
Prove me wrong.
>>13502938 How'd you get to P and not Q from Not(P->Q)
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>>13503061 pic related.
"P and not Q" is the complement of "P=>Q"
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>>13502938 >it is clearly false It's true if you don't like to eat cum.
P=>Q is always true if P is false.
Anonymous (5 replies)
what do they mean by this
El Arcón
The RAPE DICK went down slightly in the past few minutes but it didn't turn off.
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>>13502997 go back to bant
Anonymous (16 replies)
I didn't go to science school, I went to numbers.
I didn't go to plumber school, I hung around in women's bathrooms.
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Film making is just soft skills. You get the opportunities you need for success through networking not educational credentials.
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I didn't go to culinary school, I stuffed my face
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>>13499177 A better analogy would be I self taught myself math instead of forking over 20k to some institutional faggots
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>>13500224 >actual doodoo in his fucking jockey shorts The real mystery here is that when I see things like this I try to make sense of it as if there is any sense to be made.
Anonymous (5 replies)
Genetically-modified babies will fix everything
Anonymous (10 replies)
>A woman taking anabolic steroids will have her clitoris grow
>A man taking anabolic steroids will not have his penis grow
Why is this? The clitoris has erectile tissues just like the penis, so why doesn't the penis grow from steroids too?
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>>13500327 >Taken before the age of 16 AAS, especially anything that is DHT, reduces to DHT, or acts as DHT will definitely make your penis grow. Creatine load asap for my kids, got it
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>>13500327 >It's just that women's "penis" or clitoris is essentially in a prepubertal state What if we could revert the adult penis to this state again? Hypothetically, how could this be achieved?
>>13500165 Same reason males grow tits on estrogen but females dont get bigger
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>>13500449 Female breasts do grow larger when exogenous estrogen is taken
Anonymous (5 replies)
Uh oh… the beta uprising…
Anonymous (1270 replies)
dream team edition
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>>13502378 Anybody else think these contractors probably have no clue what they’re doing because they expected to just sit on that study and design phase money for the next 15 years
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>>13502349 Not really. "Lots of funding" has never really been an issue for the government so much as sustaining that funding over a longer period of time. If strong outside competition doesn't present itself internal competition isn't the hardest thing to find. Reestablishing education standards is harder but really just boils down to hacking away all of the things in "education" that aren't in the least bit about educating. A culture that value has feels pride in the nation its a part of comes naturally once you end the government subsidization of mandates that run counter to that idea; it's not destroyed currently so much as it is heavily suppressed.
It's not a complex thing to recreate, there's just a lot of straightforward work that needs to be done.
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>>13500818 The depot requires modifications for long orbital duration, like solar panels and a cryocooler if you're ambitious
Also it needs to hold the same amount of fuel as the HLS Starship, so stretched tanks.