Threads by latest replies - Page 3074

(15 replies)
No.13502767 ViewReplyOriginalReport
you should be able to solve this
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(18 replies)
No.13502020 ViewReplyOriginalReport
I’d like to ask the psychs of /sci/
Is it natural to be attracted to teenage girls?
Say I lived in a state that had 16 as the age of consent, if I were to be attracted to a 17 year old is this normal?
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(6 replies)
No.13503041 ViewReplyOriginalReport
so this is the power of the vaccine...
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Prove me wrong

No.13502938 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Hey, you! Yes, you. I can prove that you're a virgin who likes to eat cum.

Consider the following statement:
"If you like to eat cum, it means you had sex"
it is clearly false.
So we can say:
where P is "You like to eat cum", and Q is "You had sex".
However, "not(P=>Q)" can also be written as:
P and not Q
therefore, the following statement:
"You like to eat cum, and you never had sex"
is necessarily true.

Prove me wrong.
(5 replies)
(16 replies)
No.13499177 ViewReplyOriginalReport
I didn't go to science school, I went to numbers.
11 posts omitted
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(10 replies)
No.13500165 ViewReplyOriginalReport
>A woman taking anabolic steroids will have her clitoris grow
>A man taking anabolic steroids will not have his penis grow
Why is this? The clitoris has erectile tissues just like the penis, so why doesn't the penis grow from steroids too?
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(1270 replies)

/sfg/ - Space Flight General

No.13499549 ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
dream team edition

1265 posts and 251 images omitted