Threads by latest replies - Page 3073

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No.13503227 ViewReplyOriginalReport
What's the verdict on recycling various plastics?
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The universe is like a star

No.13502386 ViewReplyOriginalReport
So I have this interesting theory that the universe is like a star.
The observable universe, everything we experience exists on the shell.
The shell is a 3-sphere that exist in 4 dimensional space.
The core sits in the center of the shell and emits dark energy.
Dark energy expands the shell, explaining expansion of the universe.
The core is extremely active after the big bang, explaining cosmic inflation.
After that, the core quickly cools down and becomes much less active.
However, the expansion of the universe speeds up over time.
This phenomenon is due to positive feedback loop in the core.
Eventually, the core burns out and the universe collapses
This will be like the big crunch and create a "multiversal supernova"
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No.13501251 ViewReplyOriginalReport
New Kurzgesagt dropped. Have you watched it yet scibros?
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No.13500105 ViewReplyOriginalReport
how long before we have a cure for aging
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No.13503236 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Let's say we have a piecewise function that is undefined for every value of x. Would we say that every value of x in the domain of f(x) is undefined? Would we say that there is no image of f(x)? Would we say that there is no codomain of f(x)?
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No.13502547 ViewReplyOriginalReport
I'm 90% sure the way you use your voice is a deadgiveaway for the type of DNA and personality you inherited.
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No.13502263 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Why do all modern day scientists look like this?
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No.13501094 ViewReplyOriginalReport
why do dentists don't admit that dental health is 80% genetics?
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No.13498996 ViewReplyOriginalReport
This is what spacetime inside of a non-rotating uncharged spherical black hole looks like:

Pic related is the graphical representation of the metric above.

I find it mindblowing how this is an actual physical object as it has been confirmed to exist through indirect observation. I mean there is a clear mathematical singularity at r=0 and since once again this is a physical object it must mean that this mathematical anomaly has an actual physical representation somehow.

Sometimes in physics we get weird mathematical solutions that have no physical significance and thus we usually discard them, this doesn't the case here, however.

Would it be acceptable to suppose that spacetime curves infinitely towards the black hole's mass thus anything that goes through the event horizon never reaches the actual singularity but keeps falling for as long as the universe exists kinda like a penrose stairs where you can never reach the top/bottom?
28 posts omitted