Threads by latest replies - Page 3072

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No.13504143 ViewReplyOriginalReport
how/why does boiling happen and what does vapor pressure have anything to do with it? vapor pressure is only defined in a closed container
(63 replies)
No.13499835 ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Pfizer is now only 75% effective against HOSPITALIZATION. Vaxxer goalposts just keep shifting!!!
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The Petri Dish

No.13504013 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Does /sci/ believe in petri dishes?
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No.13503982 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Scientifically speaking, what are the chances that within x number of generations, someone with the same genes as me would be born?
Assume no mass extinctions and that population size will either grow or stay the same.
(17 replies)
No.13502893 ViewReplyOriginalReport
new scientific study about gamers
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(52 replies)
No.13500801 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Why should I take an unapproved drug made by a company that has total legal immunity from being sued? The government won't compensate you for damages either.

If the vaccine was completely safe, why would they need immunity? Why can't anybody I ask answer this? I've asked a pharmacist and they couldn't give me an answer either.
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(5 replies)

Underground base

No.13503887 ViewReplyOriginalReport
If i were to hire 20 pros to dig 70ft down in an entire acre, how long would you think it'd take, and how expensive do you think it'd be? Also, keep in mind that the digging needs to be done secretly, no heavy ass machinery above ground, and no indicative of any operation going on.
(13 replies)
No.13503817 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Why is this board full of schizo threads about climate change, vaccines, race, etc?
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No.13503406 ViewReplyOriginalReport
How is it not completely bizarre that electricity can move through a perfect vacuum where there's nothing to carry it?
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(17 replies)
No.13503419 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Why and how did science transition from understanding and conquering the real world(the atomic age and space development) to postmodernist circlejerking about black holes, multiverses and quantum magic(21st century nu-soience)?
12 posts omitted