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Anonymous (5 replies)
how/why does boiling happen and what does vapor pressure have anything to do with it? vapor pressure is only defined in a closed container
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it's like a mosh pit and heat is the music
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the entire world is a closed container
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>>13504143 This is primary school shit omfg.
boiling a liquid is by definition transforming it into a gas. it takes an energy to heat up to the boiling temperature, and far more energy to transform the liquid into a gas. this is called the latent heat of a substance and is material dependent. so when water hits boiling temperature, gradually molecules of the water begin to transform into gas, and exit in the form of steam. whereas the water at the bottom will be heating up and rising to the top in the form of bubbles, ready to detach from the liquid by becoming a gas.
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>>13504162 The thermodynamics and bubbles forming parts makes sense to me, but what's this stuff about the vapor pressure having to equal atmospheric pressure?
Anonymous (63 replies)
Pfizer is now only 75% effective against HOSPITALIZATION. Vaxxer goalposts just keep shifting!!!
>>13504082 People in actual jails don't die like that.
>>13504128 Criminals in jails are healthy young men.
We need detailed breakdown of the mortality rate to see what really caused the excess death. I bet it's those very vulnerable old people whose survival depends on a stable society order which is disrupted by the *reaction* to the virus.
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>>13504172 By the time such an analisys is delivered those healthy young men will be retired. There's also too many bias involved at once, especially when it comes to vulnerable people. One might say if they weren't depressed they wouldn't deteriorate enough to die of covid. One might say if they weren't hobos they would have been hospitalized before and would have survived. One might say if cronic therapy they took wasn't imperfect they would have survived. And so on.
I mean it's not wrong to ask for a study of those reasons, i just think it won't give any decent answers.
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Anonymous (6 replies)
Does /sci/ believe in petri dishes?
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>>13504018 Maybe you're confusing it with a Petri Knish? Petri dishes are 100% Prussian Aryan.
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They're called Petrè Disshez and they're crafted by the finest French artisans.
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>Peh-tree dish
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>>13504013 (((petri))) dish
Anonymous (5 replies)
Scientifically speaking, what are the chances that within x number of generations, someone with the same genes as me would be born?
Assume no mass extinctions and that population size will either grow or stay the same.
>>13503982 Effectively zero.
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>>13503996 yes but no
>>13503982 in 10 years you will be able to grow a baby with the chosen DNA, but you won't chose yours
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>>13503982 100%, I'm creating 10 of you in a lab right now anon.
Anonymous (17 replies)
new scientific study about gamers
>>13502923 That pic is bullshit. First you'd need to do it from the data when pools where invented to the date when Cage died. Second, you'd need to do the scales right. Then you might have an argument. What do you mean Nicholas Cage wasn't making movies in ancient Rome? I guess when they drowned in a pool he wasn't to blame then.
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>>13503401 >Their perceived identity doesn't match their actual identity. just like their perceived skill doesn't match their actual skill
everything trannies do or say is lies and delusions.
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>>13502923 Yeah duh
People bring their filters to stats
If you want to see it you can make it happen, conscious or unconscious
Stats is another science cope. Reading and internalizing the figures attunes us to their claim by virtue of asspeciation, and belief sets in.
>>13503647 You can't seriously be debating the Cage-Pool effect anon.
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>>13503962 This. I stopped swimming for a week when Willy's Wonderland came out
Anonymous (52 replies)
Why should I take an unapproved drug made by a company that has total legal immunity from being sued? The government won't compensate you for damages either.
If the vaccine was completely safe, why would they need immunity? Why can't anybody I ask answer this? I've asked a pharmacist and they couldn't give me an answer either.
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>>13500890 >is the point of the vaccine to protect you, or to eradicate the virus? Yes
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>>13503232 ADE still hasn't been observed.
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>>13503224 >Vaxxers are fucking stupid >No intelligence! >NOOO STOP HECKIN BULLYING ME INTO TAKING THE VAX Anonymous
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>>13500801 Just trust them. There's no reason big pharma would lie to you
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>>13500996 >In a study of more than 50,000 patients in the Mayo Clinic Health System, researchers found the effectiveness of Moderna's vaccine against infection had dropped to 76% in July - when the Delta variant was predominant - from 86% in early 2021. Over the same period, the effectiveness of the Pfizer/BioNTech vaccine had fallen to 42% from 76%, researchers said. Next!
Anonymous (5 replies)
If i were to hire 20 pros to dig 70ft down in an entire acre, how long would you think it'd take, and how expensive do you think it'd be? Also, keep in mind that the digging needs to be done secretly, no heavy ass machinery above ground, and no indicative of any operation going on.
Anonymous (13 replies)
Why is this board full of schizo threads about climate change, vaccines, race, etc?
>>13503837 why is the critical thinker a nigger?
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>>13503817 >bro wtf I have never been anywhere where people had opinions different than what my tv tells me to think >what is this bizarre world Anonymous
>>13503817 Why do you keep posting variations of this thread over and over and over again?
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>>13503855 Outliers exist.
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>>13503866 because rage bait works, and it's really addicting. idk why the lefties don't use it as an example that free market and capitalism leads to bad incentive structures
Anonymous (10 replies)
How is it not completely bizarre that electricity can move through a perfect vacuum where there's nothing to carry it?
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>>13503411 Go to school, retard
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>>13503406 Why is that bizarre? Matter and electricity are both made of particles (just different particles). If you think it's weird that electricity can move through space without a medium to 'carry' it, then you should also be equally confused about how matter can occupy 'empty space'
>How is it not completely bizarre that women with booba can move through a perfect thread where there's nothing else to carry it?
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>>13503834 haha I said the word, lol
Anonymous (17 replies)
Why and how did science transition from understanding and conquering the real world(the atomic age and space development) to postmodernist circlejerking about black holes, multiverses and quantum magic(21st century nu-soience)?
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If normies want to worship something, science is probably not the worst thing to worship
>>13503419 I mean if it gets younger people interested in science, what’s the problem?
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>>13503796 >mm yes we should get more vibrant diverse youth into SCIENCE! Anonymous
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>>13503419 What's the difference?
Wasn't the atomic age and space magic bullshit that didn't mean anything about the real world?
>real world (space) >circlejerk (black holes) Anonymous
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>>13503796 the more people involved in science the stronger pressure there is to stick to the status quo and established paradigms