Threads by latest replies - Page 3062

(5 replies)
No.13507200 ViewReplyOriginalReport
>become TA
>excited about job
>do okay job, one time really messed up on grading a particular homework assignment
>not doing well in another course
>the prof I work for and the prof who teaches the course i'm not doing well in share office together
>prof I work for was caught looking at pictures of me while alone in office according to rumors from other prof
>other prof tells his TAs
>those TA's approach me
>"he only hired you because you're a fucking twink"
now I know how woman feel
(18 replies)

Light detected coming out of a blackhole

No.13502870 ViewReplyOriginalReport
which means when everything collapses back onto itself it begins anew
god fucking dammit I dont want to exist again
if true this is the worst news ever
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(22 replies)

Hank Green

No.13502147 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Why does /sci/ hate this man so much? His crash course on biology is great.
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(5 replies)
No.13507226 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Well, gonna off myself today /sci/.
Thanks for everything.
im not explaining why, it's just stuff piled on top of more stuff.
>inb4 go for le high score xddd
No, im not ruining anyone else's lives ever again.
Thanks for everything though, you were my childhood, brother, and father. Goodbye, I'm sorry

Steam link in pastebin, won't be streaming it on twitch or j*wtube
(5 replies)
No.13507190 ViewReplyOriginalReport
>write project paper
>re read it for edits
>realize that I forgot to run a statistical test for something I assumed I could do without testing
>now I have to run the test
>if it rejects the null, I gotta revise 70% of my paper

(5 replies)
No.13503657 ViewReplyOriginalReport
If you had the ability to manipulate gravity on multi-galactic scale, could you create an analog of a one way mirror, for light, using gravity waves? As in, only allow light in one direction, using gravity as your mirror medium.
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Vaxx Studies Drop?

No.13502085 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Anyone got a link to a collection of vaxx studies? Actually wanna do the readings now that I got time

Here's what I know so far:
> It's a treatment against death, not even a vaxx , spreads everywhere etc etc
> Phd's and even Med students are hella hesitant towards it
> This prion shit is out there , but I haven't seen the studies so the jury is still out for me.

I'm mainly looking for the Pro Vaxx side of the studies and also studies on just raw covid and how it fucks someone up.

I don't have access to Ivermectin - but if someone has an OTC supplement stack or something beyond VitD & Zinc - lemme know.

I've been vehemently anti-vaxx (as an under 25 I've felt fine about the whole thing) but I know damn well the day is going to come where push is gonna come to shove and I'll need it for either work or maybe the Omega Optimus Prime Variant is killin mofos left and right in 2022 like the Plague they promised and boosters and vaxx bs is the only way to get out half alive unless Pfizermectin swoops in at the last second for everyone.
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(5 replies)
No.13507019 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Is it too late to learn advanced math? I got a meme software engineering degree, but I never properly learned the interesting parts. I want to get into quantum information, but I just lack all the bases for it.
(17 replies)
No.13501288 ViewReplyOriginalReport
What comes to your mind when you consider "inferential constructor" as a valid thing? Imaginative answers also welcome.
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(17 replies)

Starting again with maths and physics

No.13506420 ViewReplyOriginalReport
>Over ten years ago I studied physics and got my masters.
>But... drank, coasted, did bare minimum (classic underachiever despite being bright). Could have done so much better.
>Haven't done any serious maths/science in over a decade (forgot most of it).
>Now an improover
>Want to re-teach myself at home, just for fun/personal accomplishment.

Anyone been similar situation?
Can anyone recommend maths/physics textbooks (or other learning resources, such as websites)? I want to start easy, at a pre-university level and refresh my memory before moving on to harder stuff. Charts would be welcome.

Also, pop-science books to re-invigorate the passion also welcome.

P.s. Don't care about career in science or anything. I make money trading.
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