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(52 replies)
No.13495973 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Can we agree that "climate warming" is actually a "climate change", that humans can have some influence, but it is mostly a natural thing, and that there's no reason to establish that the current temperatures are the "correct" ones?
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No.13508717 ViewReplyOriginalReport
it possible to have a wave on higgs field?
if possible how it feels to and can be detected?
higgs field formulas unsolvable this way
we need modelling on computers, same way used for proton mass modeling
(38 replies)

Get the jab

No.13507625 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Trust the science.

Just wait zoomers, your weekly testing will make the numbers skyrocket. Then it's back to online classes for you as Delta Lambda Mu sets us back to square one.
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(28 replies)
No.13507951 ViewReplyOriginalReport
scientifically speaking, why are nerdy types prone to early male pattern baldness? i don't want to lose my hair bros
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(9 replies)
No.13506405 ViewReplyOriginalReport
What are the delta variant statistics currently

United states and global
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No.13508028 ViewReplyOriginalReport
If there will be such a shortage of water in the future, why can't we just purify and drink the water in the ocean?
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(24 replies)

How full of shit is Eric Weinstein?

No.13501022 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Did Tim Nyguyen nail him?
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(26 replies)

Graduate School/PhD General

No.13505077 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Grad school general...discuss your phd progress, research, phd advisor shitting on you...

/sci/, I'm a 4th year engineering phd with ZERO fucking publications (other than a few second author ones which are meaningless). In my first year I had to change advisors because my first advisor was insane. The new guy I'm working with is a super nice guy and gives me funding despite the fact that I've produced nothing, but he doesn't help out with anything unless I get stuck (and usually his help isn't that great).

What the fuck do I do? I don't want to drop, but I want to finish in 2 years, even if that means finishing with 3 shitty conference papers. How do you guys get started in a new field? How do I come up with research ideas??
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(5 replies)
No.13508349 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Why does everyone tell me that I need to go to college to learn mathematics! I taught myself through calc 1 2 3 and diff eq and now I'm beginning my study of pdes and I didn't need to step foot in the classroom. Why would anyone waste their time will college, just develop the skills and apply them on the job.