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Pls help me debunk this anti-vaxx article?

No.13505883 ViewReplyOriginalReport
First of all; I am absolutely not anti-vaxx. I believe that vaccines are good and don't cause autism.

However, a relative of mine sent this to a family group chat, and it containes a list of 22 articles that suppossedly and seemingly support that vaccines are linked to autism. I am not that used to reading and judging scientific journals, so can someone please help me with understanding the findings of these papers and why they are not considered evidence?
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Genetics of a blonde hair blue eyed German world

No.13506837 ViewReplyOriginalReport
We know in world war 2 it was the German's aims to conquer the world and mercilessly murder anything that wasn't a pure German, and resettle the whole world with pure Germans when they're all that's left of humanity.

So let's say they succeeded, they conquered the whole world and murdered every single non German then among the pure Germans they killed everyone except those with blonde hair and blue eyes and then resettled them throughout the whole world what would happen?

Would humanity be to inbred to survive after a couple of generations and become impotent? Would this blonde German world be able to continue forever? Would the bottlenecking of humanity lead German world down a path of inbred deformed humans mutating into horrors? What would happen with a species so culled and so sparse?
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No.13508127 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Today I used the telescope (70/900) for the first time while stargazing and looking for M31. After about 20 minutes I found this.

Do you think this is it?

If not, what would it look like from an equally bad telescope?
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No.13509077 ViewReplyOriginalReport
do you look like a scientist?
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Is science incomplete?

No.13507113 ViewReplyOriginalReport
If science is the way to understand the world why does it unable to explain the existence of ghosts and paranormal phenomenons?
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No.13508253 ViewReplyOriginalReport
What's our best hope vs climate change?
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No.13467863 ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Why don't we just block SOME of the sun out with some kind of space mirror dust to stall global warming a few decades?
156 posts and 37 images omitted
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No.13507563 ViewReplyOriginalReport
> I wish… I wish… I wish I spent more time posting racebait on an incel forum… BEEEEEEEP
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No.13505874 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Redpill me on Starlink.
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