Threads by latest replies - Page 3054

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No.13499479 ViewReplyOriginalReport
How does the 5 monkey experiment play out in humans?
9 posts omitted
(845 replies)

/sfg/ - Space Flight General: RUD Edition

No.13507025 ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Previous: >>13502395

Arca shall not be discussed in this thread. Any arca posters shall be spat on.
840 posts and 190 images omitted
(35 replies)
No.13502499 ViewReplyOriginalReport
>society has collapsed and all the remaining humans are landlocked on the poles.
>literally can't physically cross the equator.
>all satellites have long been decommissioned.
>no internet. no infrastructure of any kind.
>all that is left are a bunch of climatefugees raping and stabbing each other
30 posts and 4 images omitted
(13 replies)

fields medalist

No.13502664 ViewReplyOriginalReport
who is your nominee for the 2024 Fields medal?

also post your favorite Fields Medalist. mine is Witten
8 posts and 4 images omitted
(53 replies)

Why do we exist?

No.13509674 ViewReplyOriginalReport
48 posts and 12 images omitted
(31 replies)

Ivermectin's a likely dud

No.13506517 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Pending peer review and formal publication, but not looking good for Ivermectin.
Hoping we can get some proper antivirals.
26 posts and 2 images omitted
(19 replies)
No.13506323 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Is depression a mental illness or just a gimmick to sell pills? Historically, I can’t imagine it being taken seriously
14 posts omitted
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Are scientists trustworthy?

No.13509632 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Is the main thing that drive you truth, or money?
Would you accept a bribe in exchange for telling a lie?
5 posts and 3 images omitted