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(46 replies)

Scientists are a bunch of suckers.

No.13509502 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Even bankers and artists don't support globohomo as much as scientists. Scientists are a disgrace to the human race.
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(40 replies)

Explain to me why I am supposed to believe in moon landings.

No.13509587 ViewReplyOriginalReport
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(5 replies)
No.13511297 ViewReplyOriginalReport
how big is the universe? what exists just outside it?
(16 replies)
No.13504485 ViewReplyOriginalReport
So you're telling me that the spatial distance between objects in the universe is expanding at a rate faster than the fastest speed an object can travel in the universe meaning that light cannot even travel the whole distance of the universe ever because of the rate of expansion.
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(97 replies)

Yesssss! the age of space advertising has arrived

No.13496660 ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
SpaceX will lauch an space billboard for space advertising.
>Elon Musk’s SpaceX will put a huge advertising satellite in the sky where companies can display logos and other promoted content.
>The space company is working with a Canadian startup Geometric Energy Corporation (GEC) to launch the satellite on a Falcon 9 rocket, which will release the advertising platform before the rocket reaches the moon.
>Samuel Reid, CEO and co-founder of GEC, told Business Insider that the satellite would be released in 2022. People and companies would buy tokens to locate and design a pixel on the screen.
>"There might be companies which want to depict their logo ... or it might end up being a bit more personal and artistic. Maybe Coca-Cola and Pepsi will fight over their logo and reclaim over each other,” he said.
>It is currently unclear how large the ads will be, how many ads will be shown at any one time, the environmental impact of bright advertising on local flora and fauna, and the energy use of the satellite. Neither SpaceX nor GEC responded to The Independent’s request for comment before time of publication.
>GEC is also the group behind the satellite Doge-1, which Mr Musk said would be the “first crypto in space” and the “first meme in space”.
Elon dabbing in the haters again
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(34 replies)

Was COVID a bioweapon?

No.13507817 ViewReplyOriginalReport
July 2019
>mystery respiratory outbreak in Fairfax county retirement homes
>CDC tests for various viruses, all negative
>Fort Belvoir happens to be located in Fairfax County

August 2019
>Ft. Detrick totally shut down for breaches of containment
later on in August,
>mystery respiratory outbreak hits vapers
>CDC again tests for various viruses, all negative
>happens in both vapes with and without vitamin E oil
>does NOT occur in European vapers, interestingly
>later on, it's found that vapers contract COVID 5x more easily

October 2019
>Wuhan military games
>multiple athletes from multiple countries complained of a pneumonia-like illness after the event was over

November 2019
>teenage boy recovers from pneumonia
>then drops dead from a blood clot, in the middle of a soccer match
>textbook covid symptom
>his infection would have happened in late October

The US has an uninterrupted timeline of COVID-like illnesses circulating from July 2019 to November 2019. Many of these outbreaks were tested for common pathogens and came up negative.
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(15 replies)
No.13508114 ViewReplyOriginalReport
What caused the spongiform degeneration of this individuals internal organs?
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(20 replies)

How will science history remember them?

No.13509002 ViewReplyOriginalReport
In the year of 2021, a group of anonymous senseless geniuses, showing utmost abnegation in internet posting, made breakthrough discoveries which disproved the entirety of the scientific sphere and refuted decades if not centuries of up to that point confirmed medical theories.
New drugs, prions, antibodies, nucleic acids, the very existance of viruses and their pathogenic activity was questioned, all of this without the need of experiments or trials.
how will the scientific method recover from such an harsh blow to its foundations? will doctors even be listened in the future? the very essence of science has been shaken. this is the second scientific revolution
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(59 replies)


No.13496831 ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
I don't know where to ask, i need some help, medbros, my doc said that I should take zyprexa, an antipsychotic, but I'm very afraid of become dumber and having my brain shrink, I've read that zyprexa does that, if I take, how i would feel? Anyone had experience with zyprexa? Help me /sci/bros I don't want to become schizo.
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(5 replies)
No.13510867 ViewReplyOriginalReport
>we want to 3d print rockets for mars n shit
when will the mars meme finally die?