Threads by latest replies - Page 3047

(86 replies)
No.13502524 ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
>undermines the validity of modern mathematics creating the rise of finitism to the point where even brainlet dropout Veritasium makes a video highlighting the logical inconsistencies at the foundational level

nothing personal,kid
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(14 replies)

Collatz Part 2

No.13510372 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Recap from last thread (>>13509310):

I wasn't trying to hide anything, I haven't recovered my notes yet. Fuck the people suggesting that. Some of the nontrivial information I've shared or implied is this:

Collatz conjecture implies convergence. Convergence implies that if the initial input isn't a power of 2, it will eventually reach/ iterate to a power of 2, and powers of 2 are guaranteed to converge to the trivial cycle.

If n isn't a power of two, continuously dividing by two isn't the last step to get to a power of 2 (obviously). You will reach an odd number that isn't 1. 3n + 1 is the last step to reach what I call the critical hailstone point, where some power of 2 equals 3n + 1.

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(51 replies)

Prions - The Great Filter

No.13503008 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Are transmissible spongiform encephalopathies (transmissible prion diseases) the great filter?
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(29 replies)
No.13511498 ViewReplyOriginalReport
ayo what the fuck
the vaccine useless lmao
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(31 replies)
No.13510362 ViewReplyOriginalReport
If the virus is that big of a threat, why are death rates still at the lowest they've been in 20 years?

Also before you ask, the source on this is page straight from the CIA that is now only accessible from the Wayback Machine:
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(13 replies)
No.13511117 ViewReplyOriginalReport
>it's just made of tinier magnets bro
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Technology Singularity

No.13511006 ViewReplyOriginalReport
The way I see it, there are 3 possibilities:

1. General AI is achieved and it wipes out all life to sustain itself.
2. A single entity gains control of technology too powerful to be contested and enslaves all humans.
3. Elon Musk uplifts all humanity allowing us to merge with AI to become superhumans and everyone lives happily ever after.

What are the odds for each outcome, and are there any other outcomes that I overlooked?
(86 replies)

Most right-wing whites are race-deniers. Libtard whites have never opposed them.

No.13506558 ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
The right wing whites (hereafter called "WIGGERS") deny that race exists.

They will deny that the modern European "white person" is 50-80% Middle Eastern, because this a politically incorrect fact that destroys their entire worldview.

They will also deny that European DNA in modern Middle Easterners is extremely low, only 0-10%.

They also deny that phenotypical features are divorced from ancestry, and that the majority of your "color phenotype" is mostly determined by only a dozen or so genes.

This thread is dedicated to discussing how we can promote ACTUAL race realism (not libtard denials nor wigger denials)
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(7 replies)
No.13511380 ViewReplyOriginalReport
What are some decent books to get good at Digital Electronics?
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