Threads by latest replies - Page 3041

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I am worthless trash

No.13509731 ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
I graduated two years ago with a Biomedical engineering degree. I am still unemployed, should I just kill myself at this point?
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/sci/ really is just 3 things

No.13514963 ViewReplyOriginalReport
race threads, iq threads and le dumb foids threads
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No.13513719 ViewReplyOriginalReport
this is what happens when chuds reproduce, natural selection kicks in.
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Is mensa even a legit iq test?

No.13513397 ViewReplyOriginalReport
I'm yet to meet a person who didn't score at least 130 on this shit.
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No.13514966 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Let's say that i have seen someone just die about 20 minutes ago and the emergency responders told us that the woman had epilepsy and died of heart failure. Is this possible? She just fucking dropped out of nowhere. She was about 40 years old.

Is epilepsy really this deadly?
(17 replies)

Found out I'm an IQlet

No.13514066 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Took an official test to see if I could join Mensa. It was partially at my associate's request as he has always joked that I must be gifted with the amount of headway I made in my nanotech research the past 2 years alone.
I have always had a high opinion of myself since middleschool when my counselor put me in an accelerated program and my family began to tell me I was "smart".
I had no real ego before then so I desperately latched onto this quick-witted, intelligent persona to fuel me through university and grad school.
This landed me scholarships, esteemed writing awards, engineering project competitions placements, and more as I felt I was really making a name for myself.
After all these years, I have found that my IQ is a mere 110. Maybe I'm just the definition of "fake it 'till you make it", mixed with hardwork and strong communication skills (both technical and informal); maybe, I'm just not the hot shit I thought I always was.
How should I move forward from this?
History tells us it's the image for what it is remembered/represented that matters more than the reality. Perhaps I'll just take that lesson to heart?
Any similar anons had a reality check like this?
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Why sequent calculus?

No.13514182 ViewReplyOriginalReport
All the proof theory books seem to use sequent calculus. Why can't they use the more natural system where proofs are just lists of statements which are either axioms of follow from the previous ones from MP?
Seems like it would be much simpler and natural. It's a pain in the ass to memorize all the LK rules.
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(6 replies)
No.13514773 ViewReplyOriginalReport
/lit/izen here: I fucking hate that I’m a low spatial iq retard who could never finish a bachelors in STEM. I regularly find myself internally seething at coworkers who discuss their majors in STEM and even though I find philosophy and literature infinitely more fulfilling, because normies don’t read books, I will just sit there like a retard nodding at their conversations without being able to interject with my interests. I wish I could have majored in STEM, not because I would enjoy it, on the contrary, but just to prove that I could do it if I wanted to. How do I cope with this?
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(28 replies)
No.13514126 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Do the vaccines reduce transmission of SARS-COV-2?
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