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Anonymous (146 replies)
I graduated two years ago with a Biomedical engineering degree. I am still unemployed, should I just kill myself at this point?
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>>13512991 I've never liked playing by the rules of mathematics, and so forth. why learn the language of reality when I can simply invent ones in my head and occupy myself within the boundless realm of imagination...the only rules I need to know are those governing the maximizing of profit with the minimization of effort
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>>13510653 Top kek, this is good
>Never went to a single career fair Although I never found these useful, as all the people at the stands just tell you to apply on their website, and the answers they give to your questions don't give much insight.
I'd recommend:
>Going to student conferences or fairs where small companies are present, and you can get a much better insight into what it's like to work there, and they'd already know you at the interviews and
>Find an autistic niche and go to a conference, speak to a company representative, ask a question you're reasonably sure is a good question, and also ask if they're hiring (half of job openings are unlisted) Anonymous
What will be big fields in engineering within the next 50 years?
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>>13513395 transgender penis and vagina engineering
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>>13510653 >no >no went to one whenever the school had one >no >no >would work during the summer at shit places like the local movie theater or fast food places, same thing as doing nothing tho so yes >no >yes because I dont have the funds to pay for my own place >no did a research project/internship >no >no >no >Don't have an exact answer but it wouldn't trip me up Think I might be fucked lads, math bachelor's btw
Anonymous (7 replies)
race threads, iq threads and le dumb foids threads
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>>13514989 yah that is called gnosticism
>>13514963 There's loads of threads about IQ now I look for them, you're right. People really seem to find it a fascinating subject. I guess the scientific explanation for this would be that intelligence can bring a person status, so a high IQ is like a special status for some.
Also, I'm genuinely sick of incel shit on every single board. It's even in the news in my country today. Some incel commited a mass shooting which is basically unheard of here. It's a social contagion and I just wish some guys weren't so god damn gullible and full of anger.
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>>13515156 >and full of anger. Ever stop to think why they're so angry? And remember, you want to know why they're angry from their perspective, not from what others tell you. Why, pray tell, do you think they're so angry? What have they been saying that you're not hearing?
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Also a bunch of retarded jannies that delete penis threads but leave threads about "psychokinesis" up. Bunch of retards
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>>13514963 What would you liek to discuss (seriously)?
I will open with an idea.
Humans would benefit from a system of pre-implantation genetic diagnosis on a societal basis. Would you approve or disprove of a society which promotes such technology as a way of improving a societies health? The system would screens for disease and select unaffected zygotes/uses CRISPR to remove the "genetic defect" to produce "healthy offspring"?
Anonymous (7 replies)
this is what happens when chuds reproduce, natural selection kicks in.
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>>13513730 I'd be one too if married to him lol
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>>13513719 >arrested by border patrol If libs had their way he would never have been caught
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>>13513719 >murdering children is bad will leftists ever decide for a position on that one?
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>>13513719 You’re still talking about Qfags? Holy shit, you are a fucking loser
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>>13513719 jesus christ that's horrifying, the only time it's okay to kill kids is to sell their organs to pharmaceutical companies and that should only be done by a licensed professional, which I doubt this guy is
Anonymous (29 replies)
I'm yet to meet a person who didn't score at least 130 on this shit.
>>13513967 Still no point in choosing science as an IQlet. I'd rather be another brick in the wall somewhere where they at least pay decent money for it.
>>13515140 You will never be the next Feynman. Just deal with it instead of deluding yourself into believing your above average score in a test has destined you for greatness.
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>>13514932 Your post is stupid and self-contradiction.
Why do you argue that IQ is what makes people intelligent, then turn right around saying people with 160+ IQ are saying stupid things when they contradict your personal beliefs? What's your IQ? I would guess it's significantly higher than the average? I have a hunch, that someone so vehemently defending that IQ is a measure of ability to produce meaningful results, have never achieved any real results and strongly believe(Against all evidence) that their high IQ means that they some day will.
I get the feeling you'd be a perfect example of high IQ people being retarded and useless.
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>>13514926 126 is comfy average of PhD holders
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>>13515181 No goyim will ever be the next Feynman.
Anonymous (5 replies)
Let's say that i have seen someone just die about 20 minutes ago and the emergency responders told us that the woman had epilepsy and died of heart failure. Is this possible? She just fucking dropped out of nowhere. She was about 40 years old.
Is epilepsy really this deadly?
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I'm no doctor but i'd say that it's possible. There is a reason for epilepsy warnings because epilepsy can cause some serious physical harm. You can probably find details on wikipedia about age and deadliness but yeah they are probably not lying to you
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>>13514966 >"People with epilepsy are at increased risk for sudden death. The most prevalent cause of sudden death in the general population is sudden cardiac arrest (SCA) due to ventricular fibrillation (VF). SCA may contribute to the increased incidence of sudden death in people with epilepsy." kinda wild how your heart is kept going by a limit cycle oscillator that sometimes just stumbles for no reason and then you fucking die
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>>13514966 I witnessed a murder
Anonymous (17 replies)
Took an official test to see if I could join Mensa. It was partially at my associate's request as he has always joked that I must be gifted with the amount of headway I made in my nanotech research the past 2 years alone.
I have always had a high opinion of myself since middleschool when my counselor put me in an accelerated program and my family began to tell me I was "smart".
I had no real ego before then so I desperately latched onto this quick-witted, intelligent persona to fuel me through university and grad school.
This landed me scholarships, esteemed writing awards, engineering project competitions placements, and more as I felt I was really making a name for myself.
After all these years, I have found that my IQ is a mere 110. Maybe I'm just the definition of "fake it 'till you make it", mixed with hardwork and strong communication skills (both technical and informal); maybe, I'm just not the hot shit I thought I always was.
How should I move forward from this?
History tells us it's the image for what it is remembered/represented that matters more than the reality. Perhaps I'll just take that lesson to heart?
Any similar anons had a reality check like this?
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>>13515060 >I'd be excited if I scored 100 on an IQ test because that would mean that IQ didn't account for my intellectual success No, that would mean your success doesn't mean shit because the one thing that actually predicts how good people are at stuff doesn't predict success at the things you did well in. Therefore it's piss easy but nobody else cares, which means you have spent a lot of time and effort chasing something meaningless.
Any meaningful metric will be dominated by the best. If randos can reach the top, it's a non-competitive metric with no value.
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>>13514066 It doesn't make sense. What is the point of being obsessed with IQ scores. What matters is what you have achieved and how much you are satisfied with your life. My IQ is similar to you, 107, just as I thought, I am average. But I did the test out of curiosity, it didn't matter to much for me. I am just happy that I hard work and succeed at what I am doing.
I think it's due to people wanting to feel different and superior because they achieved more.
>>13515060 >Be me >Can integrate fairly complex triple trig functions in my head >Make 6 figs right out of shitty University >my IQ is 82 Umadbro?
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>>13515152 Anybody can memorize heuristics. Anybody can make 6 figures by being born in an upper middle class american family and sticking to the minimum effort safe life path. Congratulations. It just proves the metrics you're using don't mean shit.
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117 here. go home brainlets
El Arcón (5 replies)
I found an online bacteriology textbook, it looks good:
Anonymous (9 replies)
All the proof theory books seem to use sequent calculus. Why can't they use the more natural system where proofs are just lists of statements which are either axioms of follow from the previous ones from MP?
Seems like it would be much simpler and natural. It's a pain in the ass to memorize all the LK rules.
>>13515034 What's so funny?
>>13515040 Useless mathematics for schizos
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>>13514182 It's also a pain in the ass to memorize all the axioms you need to run your MP system. I personally prefer sequent calculus for aesthetic purposes, the symmetries are very beautiful. But it's not like we actually work in a formal proof system when doing math
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>>13515064 That's literally all of pure math.
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>Aesthetics Yikes....
Anonymous (6 replies)
/lit/izen here: I fucking hate that I’m a low spatial iq retard who could never finish a bachelors in STEM. I regularly find myself internally seething at coworkers who discuss their majors in STEM and even though I find philosophy and literature infinitely more fulfilling, because normies don’t read books, I will just sit there like a retard nodding at their conversations without being able to interject with my interests. I wish I could have majored in STEM, not because I would enjoy it, on the contrary, but just to prove that I could do it if I wanted to. How do I cope with this?
>>13514773 I think there are two channels for spatial thinking : visual and physical. You can imagine pictures (visual) or you can imagine a physical movement, for example moving your hand. If you have issues with one you could potentially switch to the other. Hard to change these habits though.
Potentially there might be ways to offload to auditory imagination, but I have no clue.
These topics are whole scientific fields to invent anyway.
>>13514798 I almost flunked high school math but got A’s and B’s in the Humanities. I hate how one sided my intelligence is
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>>13514773 If it helps you cope I have a similar problem, but flipped. I can't read for shit. My eyes consume the words, but by the time I finish, I forget what I have read. I have to start over multiple times, and still nothing sticks.
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>>13514808 I flunked high school math, did remedial math at uni for my first semester, and now have a math masters. You were just a little kid in HS that wanted to play games and sleep. Don't think because you couldn't memorize something that was useless to you when you were a child, you are incapable.
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>>13514773 You're not a /lit/izen. You're just a little bitch. Stop caring about what others think. Learn what you're passionate about.
Anonymous (28 replies)
Do the vaccines reduce transmission of SARS-COV-2?
>>13515091 does 'infection' here mean you've been innoculated with sars-cov-2? or does it mean you're displaying covid-like symptomts?
>>13514126 Yes.
Viral loads are similar at first, but they decrease faster in the vaccinated, reducing transmission over time. Anonymous
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>>13515133 If infection means being inoculated with sars-cov-2 then the shot creates 100% certainty of infection
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>>13515024 >there's no logical reason for someone not at risk to take it imo it is beyond reasoning considerations, the reason that the CDC came to this conclusion was because medical personnel cried out for it over and over... until they had no choice but to declare the true data.
there is an economic reason to preserve this panic unfortunately
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>>13515143 > from your link
can u link me to that study though? I'm curious if they were comparing a vaccinated breakthrough case to an unvaccinated initial infection (which of course would be more severe since they have no antibodies)