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(15 replies)
No.13514401 ViewReplyOriginalReport
If we wanted to... Could we destroy the entire observable universe, before the "Big Rip", "Big Crunch", or "Heat Death", would destroy it?

I have a one of those friends that bullshits me frequently. He told me that he has friends in high places, and that they were just briefed, that the US is about to dump the entire black project budget to actively research, develop, and construct methods by which to
destroy the Universe. I asked why, and he told me that no one can tell anyone WHY we're doing it, yet.

I think he should do some math, instead of meth.
What's /sci's/ take? Bullshit?
10 posts and 1 image omitted
(5 replies)
No.13515776 ViewReplyOriginalReport
is there a list somewhere of all the properties a particle have at any given point in time? like mass, velocity, spin ect.... thanks
(25 replies)
No.13509815 ViewReplyOriginalReport
What is the fundamental theory of african american studies?
20 posts and 1 image omitted
(5 replies)

channels similar to Kraut?

No.13513741 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Like more of it
(13 replies)
No.13515468 ViewReplyOriginalReport
>just trust the sci-
8 posts omitted
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Algebra 2 summer speedrun

No.13515521 ViewReplyOriginalReport
a + bi = c + di
a,b,c,d all real #
is it possible for a to not be equal to c?
is it possible for b to not be equal to d?

I know the answer to both questions is no but I don't understand why. I can't think of any reason why it should or shouldn't be true. I guess I just want to understand this intuitively, because I felt like I was the only person surprised when my teacher made this assumption without justifying it.
(26 replies)
No.13514462 ViewReplyOriginalReport
>the image that broke /sci/'s back
21 posts and 2 images omitted
(5 replies)
No.13515549 ViewReplyOriginalReport
this piece of shit is garbage and it doesn't work
>ban edition
i dont give a fuck anymore anyone who get the jab is mentally insane
here some sources

i hope the schizos are right and you will die you dumbfucks
(44 replies)
No.13510891 ViewReplyOriginalReport
>apply to oxford maths
>apply to cambridge maths
>rejected due to failure to meet offer a condition
39 posts and 2 images omitted
(5 replies)
No.13513774 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Do the moons of Uranus orbit along the same tilted axis as it's rings or the uh other way. What's that? Perpendicularly?