Threads by latest replies - Page 3038
Anonymous (8 replies)
Why doesn't the media talk about those?
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>>13514967 I counted. Live data from all the chips.
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>>13514962 Seems as relevant as my chances of being hospitalized if I don't take the vaccine
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>>13514962 Seems about as relevant as young people dying of covid
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>>13514962 1/83333 chance is an awfully high risk to protect people I don't want to protect
I would consider it if the chance was 1/10,000,000,000
still not sure I would waste my time though
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I think it is because it is very rare and they do let us know that there is a chance occurrences not dissimilar to this could happen
Anonymous (7 replies)
>this is the world's scientific leader
>>13514020 Anti Racist workshop for the deans and top faculty....
Cool, so about 20 people got some professional development that, like anyone who actually has a career knows, probably didn't pay any attention to.
Why the fuck does this matter? Get off this board because you're obviously too stupid to discuss actual science.
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>>13516090 >Daily Fail >>13516110 He's probably a shill.
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>>13514020 they're right tho.
whites are adapted to extremely mild temperatures that hardly ever go above 70F, if even that.
in the coming climate apocalypse, huge swathes of whites will be culled from heatstroke--happening as we speak.
Anonymous (18 replies)
God tier: applied physics, computational mathematics, pure mathematics, chemistry, molecular biology, biophysics, nuclear engineering
Top tier: medicine, neuroscience electrical engineering, philosophy, law, classical fine art, linguistics, music composition, chemical engineering, aerospace engineering
Mid tier: computer science, mechanical engineering, business, finance, material sciences, english/specific language, statistics
Low tier: psychology, geology, economics, communications, climate science, graphic design, information technology, music production, data science
Bottom tier: creative writing, gender studies, anthropology, political science, theatre, song writing, environmental science, film studies, game design
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>>13515919 my uni does not have applied math, only computational math
>>13515885 nuclear is more difficult
>>13515877 these lists are general. When one does what they are good at, they become better, which is one of the intentions with this list. When they become better, they move up to more complex fields
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>>13515847 good field, I hope you do well
>>13515605 molecular biology is for actual midwits and is redundant with biophysics
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>>13516111 thank you for clarifying that, molecular biophysics is what I meant
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part of the hierarchy can be explained by answering the question of "how something works" in answering this question, we find ourselves in the study of certain fields, such as physics
Anonymous (93 replies)
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>>13508199 Jesus christ all you people in this thread legit suffer from mental decay or straight up retardation.
You try to argue that studying 12 hours a day is a waste or time or that studying 12 hours a day is "dedication".
Everybody with even a single braincell is aware that studying useless shit for 12 hours a day is an absolute waste of time and effort. "Studying" in the general sense is a complete waste of time unless you are specifically training to do something.
The entire issue in this thread is that nobody realizes that the guy is not studying 12 hours a day to learn or for his college courses. He does it exclusively for the money he gets. He found himself a nice job where he just sits 12 hours in front of a camera and pretends to read and gets paid the big bucks. He probably even fakes the vast majority of his streams like all the other multiple hour long videos that are on youtube.
Jesus christ I can't understand how 99% of this board is literally retarded. Are you all just dumb children larping or this board really just filled with bots?
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>>13508199 this kid is retarded, 12 hours a day is not really effective
>>13510484 how old are you?
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>>13515134 24 but dropped out at 22
Anonymous (15 replies)
>this is the only vaccine available to young people in my country
Is it a death trap? I'm a mid 20s male, might wait for Moderna or Pfizer at this point or are they worse
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>>13512632 At least we have fair elections with paper ballots, mutt.
Im not getting vaccine 1. Health of others is not my problem 2. Even if it's FDA approved i wont get it. Maybe next time do no launch massive fear mongering camping lasting for two years 3. I do not trust government and you have zero fucking arguments to convince me to trust them 4. Fuck you cattle
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>>13512897 Based low iq mutt
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>>13512897 Ahah yeea, right on brother
America, Yeeehaaaa!
*shoot guns*
*empty beer can*
*proceed to tire burn massive monster truck, killing thousands of polar bears and extincting 73 rare bird species in the process*
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>>13512897 Hahaaa amen partner yeeeehaaa!
Anonymous (14 replies)
Why don't doctors in America combat and come out against circumcision?
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>>13512272 >so unless you want to remain an incel loser Weak bait.
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>>13513313 this
wasn't that one monster femboy cock cut?
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ritual child mutilation is EVIL FUCK KIKES
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>>13513296 True, can confirm
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Jews. Not even meming.
Anonymous (5 replies)
Why is the vaccine having a higher k/d ratio among young people than covid itself?
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>>13516021 Because you touch yourself in the night
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>>13516021 Covid didn't get a root in young people before. It is weeding out all of the fatlings and weakies. You know it is working by the KDA
Anonymous (10 replies)
>Causality can't be violated just because it can't be, okay?!
What did he mean by this?
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>>13513950 Only if that splash was the whole point of throwing that stone into the water.
But even then it's sophistry because that is not what causation is referring to.
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>>13513742 Relativistic "causality" is not causality and can be violated
fuck Einstein
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>>13514031 Correct. There is only correlation. Some simple things have near 100% correlation so you can clearly talk of cause and effect. Its so binary thinking, almost everything real has multiple influences.
Anonymous (9 replies)
Took the Pfizer BioNTech jab monday and now I'm horny all the time. I'm masturbating up to 3 times a day, which is definitely unusual too me. I used to go weeks without feeling the need to masturbate, but I need to do it every day now. Anyone else got this side effect? Googled it and found nothing.
30 year old male btw
tldr: Pfizer BioNTech made me a coomer
>>13514964 this is the post that finally convinced me to go get the jab
>>13515230 Do you have a gf? I'm an incel so it's pontless.
>>13515260 Come on dude stop shitposting
>>13515294 Why?
>>13515308 ...
>>13515310 What are your concerns?
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Took the Moderna jab the other day and now I am a woman
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>>13514964 oh shit ITS CLOTTING MY DICK
You are about to be the proud owner of a priapastic jumbo schlong. Get into porn.
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>>13515979 Ok jokes aside, i had zero side effects.
My arm wasnt sore after, some times i think they injected me saline solution because the lack of of symptoms.
Have you been stressed? Maybe you are reacting like this in a way to cope with your stress
Anonymous (20 replies)
It can't be refuted
>>13514496 If intelligence isn’t genetic how come my dog can’t recognize itself in the mirror
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>>13515730 Intelligence is spiritual. Your dog is not one of God's chosen. God created all men equal.
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>>13515583 It doesn't force them in any way they are not concerned with science or truth or anything of that sort they are only concerned with scamming naive people or virtue signaling. At this point I'm so tired of these politics I'm almost like "fine, the naive people who believe their lies will have issue reproducing, this is eugenics". It's like with people abusing religion for personal gain, it only hurts the religion long term. On very long term only a healthy breed of paranoid schizophrenics will remain who have a base distrust of narratives peddled by others. Ubberchuds of all races are the future.
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>>13515569 >>13515550 >>13515583 Jesus christ you transparent same fag can you be any more cringe?
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>>13515569 >>13515550 >>13515583 Well gee I wonder where they got it