Threads by latest replies - Page 3035

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Calculator Thread

No.13516717 ViewReplyOriginalReport
What are the best calculators and why? Are the Ti 83/84 variants really king? Will using a Casio or HP turn me into a faggot?
(20 replies)

Global Warming

No.13513991 ViewReplyOriginalReport
>global temperatures rose 1.1 degrees in the past 100 years
>it will continue to rise 1.5 degrees in the next 20 years
>this is if ALL greenhouse gas emissions are stopped RIGHT NOW

So what's the fucking point? Global average temperature will rise 1.5 degrees in the next 20 years even if humanity were to be wiped off the face of the planet.
15 posts and 1 image omitted
(119 replies)

Solar Power's massive carbon footprint

No.13490962 ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
>Because of the manufacturing process, solar power creates more greenhouse gas pollution than coal or natural gas per watt produced
The West faces a conundrum as it installs panels on small rooftops and in sprawling desert arrays: Most of them are produced with energy from carbon-dioxide-belching, coal-burning plants in China.

Concerns are mounting in the U.S. and Europe that the solar industry’s reliance on Chinese coal will create a big increase in emissions in the coming years as manufacturers rapidly scale up production of solar panels to meet demand. That would make the solar industry one of the world’s most prolific polluters, analysts say, undermining some of the emissions reductions achieved from widespread adoption.

Director Michael Moore's "Planet of the Humans" argues that many green energy solutions rely heavily on coal-burning power plants to function.
China Made Solar Cheap With Coal, Subsidies, And ‘Slave’ Labor, Not Efficiency
114 posts and 20 images omitted
(6 replies)
No.13514186 ViewReplyOriginalReport
>suns gravity is around 30 times stronger than earth

like wtf, why so small?
atoms are fused inside it...
99% mass of the system
eh lets give it 27 times larger gravity
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(5 replies)
No.13516708 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Would you trade your soul for freedom? Cause I would. What say you?
>general relativity is a lie
>space exist in a singularity of the mind
1God presides in the divine assembly;

He renders judgment among the gods:

2“How long will you judge unjustlya

and show partiality to the wicked?


3Defend the cause of the weak and fatherless;

uphold the rights of the afflicted and oppressed.

4Rescue the weak and needy;

save them from the hand of the wicked.

5They do not know or understand;

they wander in the darkness;

all the foundations of the earth are shaken.

6I have said, ‘You are gods;

you are all sons of the Most High.’b

7But like mortals you will die,

and like rulers you will fall.”

8Arise, O God, judge the earth,

for all the nations are Your inheritance.

>Throw me in Hell.
You're already there. And I am watching you from the inside.
(5 replies)
No.13516680 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Scientifically speaking how do you acquire friends?
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Thanks Africa

No.13513490 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Since Ebola was discovered in 1976 and HIV in the 80’s both from Africa. How likely is it that there are more undiscovered viruses in underdeveloped nations just waiting to break out.
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Rational or irrational?

No.13512777 ViewReplyOriginalReport

Can you prove or disprove that this number is irrational?
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No.13516636 ViewReplyOriginalReport
It is a pity that the potential of the channel is so wasted. There are rarely real films with sources, but overweigh pseudoscience, such as have a fuck that handwriting has something to do with personality, and movies like vid rel, without sources prevail. It is a pity, because there is very little grain to harvest and a lot of chaff.

or maybe the anons know about something better?
(5 replies)

Booze and Fertility

No.13516604 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Give it to me straight...

Does alcohol have any effect on fertility?

My wife and I have been trying for about 4 years.
The first time she got pregnant was after about a year or so of trying.
She's been pregnant in total three times:
1) I had not been drinking for a about 6 months
2) It was a few months after the first miscarriage and I don't remember what I was drinking.
3) I stopped drinking for about 2 months and she got pregnant.

The first pregnancy and third were about a year + apart. I've been drinking regularly (aka - maybe 3 beers a night? Nothing too intense imo)

There may be other issues, but I just keep thinking about me drinking beer and its effect on me. (She doesn't drink at all so it's not an issue with her)

What's the scoop?