Threads by latest replies - Page 3031

(1676 replies)

/sfg/ - Space Flight General.

No.13513402 ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
The eternal seethe edition.

The previous thread: >>13510054

Captcha: 2MAAD. How fitting for little Jeff's tantrums.
1671 posts and 252 images omitted
(17 replies)
No.13518249 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Why has science become so unreliable?

Try questioning vaccines, climate change or the racial intelligence gap.

You'll be met with screeching and threats
12 posts and 1 image omitted
(46 replies)
No.13518066 ViewReplyOriginalReport
>live in NYC
>have to get a vaccine passport otherwise my boss will fire me and my career is over
41 posts and 4 images omitted
(13 replies)
No.13516518 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Why do biology jobs in Boston pay so much
8 posts and 2 images omitted
(5 replies)

Semen Retention

No.13517695 ViewReplyOriginalReport
What’s the science on semen retention? Discuss
(6 replies)
No.13516981 ViewReplyOriginalReport
It all kinda makes sense now. Sometimes, despite all your efforts to prove otherwise through dress or mannerisms, you just look like a douchebag when you (probably) arent
1 post and 1 image omitted
(75 replies)
No.13498573 ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
imagine being a med student right when everyone stop trusting doctors.
what a ripoff, all that hard work and then your career and credibility get shit all over by a bunch of greedy boomers right before you graduate
70 posts and 7 images omitted
(15 replies)
No.13516309 ViewReplyOriginalReport
My cousin told me Pluto is no longer a planet because it drifted out of our solar system and has become a rogue planet.
Is he right or full of shit ?
10 posts omitted
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No.13518465 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Cells are like tiny little earths in your body, they are lovely little peaceful worlds, but need to be taken care of with strict policing. Because of this fact, oxygen is jealous and wants to infiltrate the cell to find a home of it's own, but oxygen is a muslim and doesn't integrate well. All these god damn oxygens ever want to do is come in for a free ride, but they never help out, they are always just destructive to the cell community.

The human cell voted trump and decided it had had enough and it was time to act for the security of the cell.

The human cells are alerted that oxygen is approaching and sends out troops to the cell border in a defensive front line. The cell government builds a wall to keep out the oxygen. A horribly violent battle at the cell border ensues with a high number of casualties on both sides.

Many cell troops lay dead, and many oxygen terrorists are also deceased. The wall has been knocked down and some oxygen managed to infiltrate the cell. The cell government sends builders to remake the wall for the next push, but the cell has already lost some of it's best men. It is unclear how many more front line assaults the cell can handle before it is oxidized.

Surely, at this rate, there will not be enough troops or builders to stop the cell from destruction within say 100 years.
(5 replies)

Can we get a sticky or even a board created called /vax/?

No.13518456 ViewReplyOriginalReport
The other day I counted 49 threads on /pol/ alone. The Vax crowd contaminate other boards as well such as /sci/,/his/, and /Biz/.

If there's no thread then you go into other threads to be off topic to discuss covid & vaccinations to larp about issues such as being forced by your work place to get the Vaccination when there are 5 active threads during any given time that talk about being forced to get a Vax.

Can we please get a sticky that refreshes it self after 1000 posts? We can barely talk about issues such as who should be the 2024 candidate without have those threads get bumped off the catalog after 5 minutes due to all of this spam.

Hey, if you need your own dedicated board like /mlp/ for covid then I support the creation of /vax/.

If you're going to tell me to fuck off,then please explain why do you need what's likely 60-70 threads across all of 4chan while you insult me. You've spread the discussion so thin that it's nearly impossible to keep track of the information.