Threads by latest replies - Page 3027

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Solid matter thread

No.13518929 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Why is there such a thing as solid matter, why isnt it all a gas?
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No.13514601 ViewReplyOriginalReport
It's 2021. Is hand soap really still our best tool for washing hands?

At least hand sanitizer actually kills bacteria. What does soap do? Yank the grease and dirt off of your hands?

Why don't we just mix hand sanitizer and soap to make soapitizer, the ultimate hand washing tool?
4 posts omitted
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No.13519558 ViewReplyOriginalReport
There are 3 planes of existence
>Material is where objects reside within time and space
>Immaterial is where the conscious is stored unconfined by time or space
>Uncertain both does and doesn’t follow the rules of time and space simultaneously, is responsible for the phenomenon of chance by altering the lowest denomination particle of reality between 1 and 0
I arrived to this conclusion logically while taking a piss in the shower
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No.13514191 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Why are men so physically and intellectually superior to women?
17 posts and 3 images omitted
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No.13519376 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Is it true that autistics are “immune to propaganda and unwanted influence”?

What does that mean neurologically?
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No.13518351 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Is race real or not? Doesn't race just mean lineage? We don't all have the same exact lineage do we?
29 posts and 6 images omitted
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Is /sci/ at the end of the 4chan centipede chain?

No.13519315 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Like dumb people consume raw information and shit it undigested into pol and seek confirmation and positive reinforcement and then /pol/ people come to /sci/ with semidigested shit and want it confirmed.