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Anonymous (5 replies)
Why is there such a thing as solid matter, why isnt it all a gas?
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>>13518929 Well, I know that Jumping Jack Flash is a gas...
I'll see myself out.
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>>13518929 thermal and pressure forces act on atoms and molecules to determine their phase of matter. so the vibration of matter determines its temperature and pressure is an emergent property in large systems of matter. depending on how it vibrates and how much other matter pushes on it decides whether or not a given molecule has the energy to move freely
Anonymous (9 replies)
It's 2021. Is hand soap really still our best tool for washing hands?
At least hand sanitizer actually kills bacteria. What does soap do? Yank the grease and dirt off of your hands?
Why don't we just mix hand sanitizer and soap to make soapitizer, the ultimate hand washing tool?
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>>13515809 I worked in a restaurant, there is no sanitizing solution. The soap alone kills bacteria.
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>>13514601 The hand soap pumper is planned depletion. You do not need nearly as much soap as is dispensed. Same with body wash, shampoo, dish soap, etc.
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>>13514601 Soap and water is more effective than hand sanitizer alone. The soap degreasers physically pull apart the bonds that make up the structure of a virus or bacteria.
>At least hand sanitizer actually kills bacteria Hand sanitizer is effective against all viruses but not all bacteria. There are bacteria that are resistant to hand sanitizer and that's why hospitals use antibacterial soap
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>>13514601 >not dipping your hands in a personal bleach-basin ngmi
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>>13514601 >Why don't we just mix hand sanitizer and soap to make soapitizer, the ultimate hand washing tool? kek
Anonymous (5 replies)
There are 3 planes of existence
>Material is where objects reside within time and space
>Immaterial is where the conscious is stored unconfined by time or space
>Uncertain both does and doesn’t follow the rules of time and space simultaneously, is responsible for the phenomenon of chance by altering the lowest denomination particle of reality between 1 and 0
I arrived to this conclusion logically while taking a piss in the shower
Anonymous (5 replies)
What would it take to survive our brains in a robot body?
How much longer till they have the tech to do it?
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>>13516040 >How much longer till they have the tech to do it? not in your lifetime
Pope (5 replies)
let's talk about dem UFO's
Anonymous (22 replies)
Why are men so physically and intellectually superior to women?
>>13514191 MEN are (you) not
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>>13514191 bc women have the kids
it s not optimal to have them do everything so they delegate resources gathering to men and pick those who arent dogshit tier at it so you end up with men being better at shit related to it on average
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>>13517948 why women in 4 chan always acting like this ...
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>>13517727 but then how did you differentiate gifted low conscienc. studentswith high grade and not gifted high conscienc. student with high grade ?
Anonymous (5 replies)
>he studies computer “science”
Anonymous (5 replies)
Is it true that autistics are “immune to propaganda and unwanted influence”?
What does that mean neurologically?
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>>13519376 Political slogans dont make sense if you take them literally.
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>>13519376 autistics
function add(x, y) {
return x + y
Psycho paths
function add(x,y) {
let totalWealth = valueFunction()
let number = x + y
let newTotalWealth = valueFunction(number)
if ( newTotalWealth >= TotalWealth) {
return number
} else {
return findNumberThatIncreasesWealth()
Anonymous (34 replies)
Is race real or not? Doesn't race just mean lineage? We don't all have the same exact lineage do we?
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>>13518432 >US was already heavily mixed 100 years ago What level of historical revisionism is this?
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>>13518792 >He doesn't know SNP studies are based on correlations >Asians perform better academically despite not having this gene Guess where it goes?
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>>13518351 >not knowing about clines and clades You hurt me /sci/.
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/his/ is filled with genetics constantly and we can discuss even protein coding regions and their consequences /sci/ is... IQ
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>>13518376 You can't assimilate into ethnic groups. this is basic knowledge.
Anonymous (5 replies)
Like dumb people consume raw information and shit it undigested into pol and seek confirmation and positive reinforcement and then /pol/ people come to /sci/ with semidigested shit and want it confirmed.
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>>13519315 What is the purpose of the brain when you can't use it anon ?