Threads by latest replies - Page 3025

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No.13520109 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Why have the midwits turned on him?
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No.13519872 ViewReplyOriginalReport
>watch astronauts on space walks as a kid
>they move like they're underwater
>assume space thick is like water
>realize astronauts "train" underwater
It suddenly just clicked for me
3 posts and 2 images omitted
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No.13516878 ViewReplyOriginalReport
The modern American money hierarchy, much like the rigid Roman hierarchy, is anaethema to scientific cullture.

Surely you agree?
6 posts omitted
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No.13520106 ViewReplyOriginalReport
What does /sci/ think of the Milanokovitch cycles? Can it by itself explain the climate change we are seeing now, or is man's influence too great to deny?
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No.13520227 ViewReplyOriginalReport
I don't really know anything about science. Is science at the point like philosophy or other humanities where basically everything has been thought already and we're at the point of just circle jerking? Have there been any paradigm shifting events in science in the past lets say 30 years? Second question is science at the point where everyone is able to add to it? Are random no name low iq professors adding to science in meaningful way or is it like I said what happens in philosophy and it's just circlejerking and writing useless shit just to get published?
(67 replies)
No.13507071 ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
what is the happiest board?
62 posts and 4 images omitted
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No.13495853 ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Why does USA have zero maglev trains?
228 posts and 22 images omitted
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No.13519195 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Why do academicucks force the meme that their research is more fulfilling than industry R&D?
6 posts omitted
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