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Scientific explanation of talent

No.13520523 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Scientifically speaking what makes a good artist and why am I talentless?
Is it IQ? Depth perception? What is it? DNA?
What's the scientific explanation for talent? I drew for 6 months/4 hours a day but people that drew during 4 got more benefits than me
Review my threads please
(19 replies)

Proper vaccines when?

No.13518102 ViewReplyOriginalReport
>doesn't stop infection
>doesn't stop spread
>doesn't stop symptoms
>doesn't stop new strains
All I want is a vaccine that actually works. Is that too much to ask for?
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No.13519825 ViewReplyOriginalReport
>Taking a booster for a variant
What did they mean by this? I thought vaccines were supposed to be uber specific.
11 posts and 3 images omitted
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No.13520479 ViewReplyOriginalReport
>working as a research assistant with a paper due in ~3-4 months
>masters studies start next month and I'll have to be traveling abroad
I don't plan on continuing in academia, but I'm interested in R&D in the industry. Do publications matter in R&D industry roles?
(22 replies)

Hear me out

No.13519610 ViewReplyOriginalReport
So the vaccine permanently alters your DNA. Cancer is caused by faulty DNA. How do we know that the vaccine wont cause cancer in lets say 10-15 years?
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No.13520413 ViewReplyOriginalReport
How do I get into biology, genetics, genome editing and DNA. I want to know
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No.13520381 ViewReplyOriginalReport
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No.13519637 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Which one of them is correct, sci?
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No.13519734 ViewReplyOriginalReport
What's the deal with raw milk? I mean is it good or not? The guv'ment sure don't like me drinkin' none of it 'cause they sez it's a gonna kill me if I do. Now I have nothing against Louis Pasteur and his method, but are you telling me before he came along all of us milk-drinkers were dying from stomach aches and diahrea? Give me a break! Are you sure it might not have been a different problem? What is /sci/'s take and have you drank raw milk?
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