Threads by latest replies - Page 3023

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No.13520842 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Would you consider language homeostasis to be important so that users of a given system experience minimal collision and avoidable downtime?
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Sleep Apnea

No.13520795 ViewReplyOriginalReport
I have been trying to find out what is the cause of my slowness lately, I have not been able to attribute it to anything but I am completely removed from the much sharper version I used to be. I am 220 pounds and I sleep on my back. I snore sometimes but I've heard that prolonged sleep apnea leads to brain damage. Should I get this checked out?
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No.13520741 ViewReplyOriginalReport
could we realistically see our past selves from the light bent around the event horizon of a black hole?
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No.13520004 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Why are there observable fluctuations in the CMB?
The CMB was released when the observable universe was 380,000 years old. Accordingly the diameter of the observable universe was 760,000 light years, or ~14 times the diameter of the Milky Way. Intuition would tell you that, due to the large size, the fluctuations would be at relatively small scales compared to the total size of the observable universe. It would be like looking at TV static from a mile away, all you are going to see is gray. Why can you see the fluctuations without really zooming in?
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(61 replies)

Question for high IQ people

No.13517334 ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
How long must you space meat consumption from vegetable consumption in order to not have the antinutrients of vegetabes inhibiting the micros of meat?
Would it be better to eat meat before or after veggies+veggiefat?

Here's my two meals:
Veggie meal: 1 cup of spinach, avocado, olives, sauerkraut, some nuts and 1-2 bananas.
Meat meal: red meat or chicken or fatty fish cooked in lard, 2-3 eggs, 30g of gouda cheese and a greek yoghurt

I also eat at least 1 kg of romaine lettuce between meals.
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(11 replies)
No.13520409 ViewReplyOriginalReport
I don't know if this falls under science, more medicine, but does anyone know what this is? I've had it for a few years now, first noticed it after work one day where I had to wear very tight boots. Any help is appreciated
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No.13515695 ViewReplyOriginalReport
What part of North America is most resistant to global warming?
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No.13520543 ViewReplyOriginalReport
If a car mechanic spent 50 years designing safe and effective cars would he be qualified to make 5 billion rocket ships and give them to everyone and deem they just as safe?

after all, none of his previous technologies had any long term side effects, and rocket ships and cars are both "vehicles" and vehicles have been proven to be safe and effective.

So just let us inject you with our science cocktails every year because vaccines are vaccines are vaccines and vaccines are safe and effective.
(11 replies)
No.13520064 ViewReplyOriginalReport
>ask a general math knowledge question on the math board instead of memes or scientific racism
>get warned

why are jannies like this?
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(56 replies)

Best diet for a scientist/thinker?

No.13504691 ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
What would be the best diet for someone who has to use his brain at his fullest to think with his prefrontal cortex?
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