Threads by latest replies - Page 3017

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Kek at reddit

No.13522239 ViewReplyOriginalReport
do they seriously think that five times is much? I pray 100 hundred times at least. How do you worship Goddess SCIENTIA, /sci/bros?
8 posts and 1 image omitted
(18 replies)

Your Brain on Sex

No.13515463 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Are there any studies that shows differences between male and female brain function regarding sexual attraction?
You know that good old "male is attracted to visual, female is attracted to emotions" stuff
13 posts and 1 image omitted
(18 replies)

The ultimate midwit test

No.13522099 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Can /sci/ solve this?
13 posts omitted
(5 replies)
No.13521467 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Which one is right?
(5 replies)
!!S83ojOpuLV/ (5 replies)
!!S83ojOpuLV/ No.13522655 ViewReplyOriginalReport


bitcoin: bc1q9lztp5kagnhwn8ml60g5xxjwx6td8ek52ngqcx
ethereum: 0xE981f8eA1E471bcd1Ec0153B4a66F3222775FBa0
monero: 45uZjxyMm64G8QQBHyi9Vq1MY69jyjpLeSish2mK5Ua6hexEdMT7s3WeWzEXkhpkjENE6dt26hBfBhZSUp4CXePXKq3eTPH
(5 replies)
No.13522561 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Why do women climax more during rape than consensual sex?
(154 replies)
No.13502525 ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
>the fully vaccinated are dying at higher percentages than those who are unvaccinated after catching covid(delta)
Honestly explain this shit to me, because now getting vaccinated seems even more useless.
149 posts and 23 images omitted
(5 replies)
No.13522634 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Hello /sci/,

I am studying the Klein Gordon Equation, and have a question.

It seems an interesting marriage between quantum operators and special relativity. However, I have a concern I'm wondering if any anons here know where it could be addressed.

The deriviation utilizes the first two order terms for the momentum-energy equivalence

under the assumption that we are at low speeds. I want to drop this assumption and see this equation done with the expanded power series

Does any anon have insight or material that deals with this?

Much thanks
(5 replies)
No.13522545 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Are we at least all in agreement now that it really is a mistakenly released Chicom bio-weapon?