Is he right? I see no point on studying or living in society anymore
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Is it real ? Or just a hypothesis
go work at a community hospital in a red state.
>that's it
>that's the only way you can avoid jab requirements
>that's it
>that's the only way you can avoid jab requirements
prove that extraterrestrial life exists
>"dude theres like so many planets" isn't an argument
>"dude theres like so many planets" isn't an argument
How do we know space and the moon landing is real?
Hear me out; it's said that Neanderthals are not human or homo-sapiens right? Well white people for example have more DNA that is similar or the same to Neanderthals than to Blacks. Can someone please explain this?

488KiB, 2048x1365, merlin_164340693_42100688-c301-46c9-b7dc-363309004f13-superJumbo.jpg
Lets talk about what we think could happend to the current words flora and fana within the next 100-200 years.
I think things like Narwhale dogs have a good chance of being more common with how popular this guy got the owner might want to start pumping out babies.
I think things like Narwhale dogs have a good chance of being more common with how popular this guy got the owner might want to start pumping out babies.
How do you LaTeX on this board?
So let's say there is an infinitely heavy rock and you have infinite amount of strength, then can you raise it??