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No.13520953 ViewReplyOriginalReport
The mRNA vaccines we have in the West clearly aren't safe. What about the inactivated vaccines they use in China and Russia, like BBIBP-CorV?
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Stimulated gamma emission

No.13521916 ViewReplyOriginalReport
why do i see so little research on this shit? isomer triggering has been PROVEN to be real the only current negative is we arent very good at triggering some of the isotopes with less energy than they release and the ones we can trigger with much lower energy are short lived. But there are HEAPS of isomers which haven't even been looked into (cadmium 113m im particularly interested in) sure it cant make a bomb but it definitely could make a nuclear powered jet engine
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Clean it up

No.13522958 ViewReplyOriginalReport
I took a shit and you will clean it up for free
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FTL technology

No.13520491 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Hi /sci/, I'm currently in the process of trying to write a scifi novel, I have plenty of ideas, but I would like them to be grounded in hard science at least as much as it is possible.

That being said, which of the following FLT or sublight relativistic travel methods would you consider the most plausible?

1. Artificial wormholes: A ship such as pic related able to generate a stable wormhole in front of it.

2. Warp aka Alcubierre Drives: Warping spacetime in a bubble around the ship, contracting spacetime ahead of itself and expanding it behind.

3. Hyperspace mumbo-jumbo: The ship is able to access another dimension aka subspace or hyperspace, through which it can travel faster. (Least believable IMHO)

I am also aware that for any realistic interstellar-spanning empire, some form of FTL communication would also need to exist to ensure its cohesion.

Which of these sounds more realistic according to our current scientific knowledge? How would you solve the FTL communication problem? Is FTL at all a realistic perspective or should the direction of my story switch to one using sublight travel methods? (Such as magnetic plasma sails which I believe are more realistic and grounded in current tech)

Your feedback is much appreciated.
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Calabi-Yau chemistry

No.13522779 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Why hasn't anyone synthesised an organic molecule resembling the Calabi-Yau manifold? I propose calling it the calabiyaumanifoldane.

>Inb4 muh dimensions
(26 replies)

Well /sci/? What's the cope now?

No.13520362 ViewReplyOriginalReport
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No.13522498 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Scientifically speaking, why do I allways get nervous when beautiful girls are nearby me?
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Heard Immunity DEBUNKED!

No.13521164 ViewReplyOriginalReport

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No.13522246 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Genetically speaking, can you tell parents and siblings apart?
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