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No.13524946 ViewReplyOriginalReport
In this viral clip, two African-American women are in a car watching a man under the influence of a drug. One of them repeatedly suggests that he is on "Mojo" and that he needs some milk.
Does this actually help, or is this an old wive's tale?
(187 replies)
No.13489718 ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Have we reached the limits of technology?
182 posts and 33 images omitted
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No.13524750 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Post study notes here for the use of other anons :)
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No.13522729 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Lets say there was an AI that could perfectly simulate human emotion and drives. It has an ego and self-identity and determination. It passes the turing test with flying colors.

How big would that file size be?
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No.13524737 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Am I supposed to believe this dude existed?
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No.13523629 ViewReplyOriginalReport

seriously what dumbass came up with that?
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The seven hermetic principles

No.13525051 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Can they be disproven (not taken at face value)?
(43 replies)
No.13519381 ViewReplyOriginalReport

What’s even the point?
38 posts and 1 image omitted
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No.13524173 ViewReplyOriginalReport
If the government bans kratom in the US then I'm killing myself.
5 posts omitted
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No.13524953 ViewReplyOriginalReport
A thought crossed my mind while playing Minecraft. It's probably a stupid question but whatever.
Does chance depend on time?
When I start a new world, a random seed is generated, but what if I wait a second before generating or what if I close and reopen the game and then generate it.
Would the generated seed be the same no matter what?
Same goes for a coin toss or something. How does time influnece the outcome? Or rather how do other variables change when time passes?