Is it safe to say that there are levels to which certain people experience consciousness? You can talk to some people and come out with the understanding that they're hardly more conscious than mere animals, and yet they are the ones who pass on their genes in bulk, although this isn't to say intelligent people don't do this, I find that intelligent people are more susceptible to pessimistic thoughts about reality, the future, which can deter them from having children and lead into more self-destructive behavior. Although this obviously isn't the case for them all, so what is the truth, /sci/? Is it natural selection? Is it society? It's something that I can't get off my mind.
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Walk me through this. Force velocity curve produces an optimal power output if you balance it yea? The average baseball bat weighs 30-32oz. Are you better off swinging a heavier bat, or a lighter one? The force production would have the effect on the ball. right? Or would it be power. Talk me through the considerations, I'm trying to understand applied Physics.
How do you know if a peer review journal isn’t just a bunch of losers trying to promote an agenda?
Any math guys here gone into data science?
After my MS I did a bunch of MOOCs and worked for a financial company. It’s pretty cool but I would like a way to get back into math.
After my MS I did a bunch of MOOCs and worked for a financial company. It’s pretty cool but I would like a way to get back into math.
If your city appears for the first time on this chart after 1940 it is a suburban hellscape. Prove me wrong.
13 is prime. Prove me wrong.
I need to do some burner classes bad next semester and I didn't even know i had these option. Psychology sounds more interesting but idek if it's what i think it is. Last time i had to take a philosophy class and, since im a brainlet, got tricked into doing probability problems for 80% of the semester instead of what I thought i philosophy class was. We didn't even cover one philosopher except for some Boolean faggot that just made me cross squares and stupid shit like that. Just wanted to see what /sci/ concisest were on this since it seems universal to take some of these classes.
What are some funny naming conventions in mathematics?
My ambition is to discover/invent a mathematical object and name it chungus
My ambition is to discover/invent a mathematical object and name it chungus

Previously >>13464791
I have a cold and want to sleep edition.
>what is /sqt/ for?
Questions regarding math and science.
>where do I go for advice?
>where do I go for other questions and requests?
>>>/wsr/ >>>/g/sqt >>>/diy/sqt etc.
>how do I post math symbols (Latex)?
>a plain google search didn't return anything, is there anything else I should try before asking the question here?
>where can I look up if the question has already been asked here?
>how do I optimize an image losslessly?
>where can I get:
>book recs?
>carreer advice?
>help with calculus?
>tables, properties and material selection?
General advice for asking questions here:
>attach an image (animal images are best. Grab them from >>>/an/)
>avoid replying to yourself
>ask anonymously
>remember to check the Latex with the Tex button on the posting box
>if someone replies to your question with a shitpost, ignore it
>avoid arguing with Yukarifag
>do not tell us you came from whatever the fuck board, /pol/ in particular
>do not mention how [other place] didn't answer your question so you're reposting it here
>if you need to ask for clarification fifteen times in a row, try to make the sequence easy to read through
>I'm not reading your handwriting
>If it ain't english I can't speak it
I have a cold and want to sleep edition.
>what is /sqt/ for?
Questions regarding math and science.
>where do I go for advice?
>where do I go for other questions and requests?
>>>/wsr/ >>>/g/sqt >>>/diy/sqt etc.
>how do I post math symbols (Latex)?
>a plain google search didn't return anything, is there anything else I should try before asking the question here?
>where can I look up if the question has already been asked here?
>how do I optimize an image losslessly?
>where can I get:
>book recs?
>carreer advice?
>help with calculus?
>tables, properties and material selection?
General advice for asking questions here:
>attach an image (animal images are best. Grab them from >>>/an/)
>avoid replying to yourself
>ask anonymously
>remember to check the Latex with the Tex button on the posting box
>if someone replies to your question with a shitpost, ignore it
>avoid arguing with Yukarifag
>do not tell us you came from whatever the fuck board, /pol/ in particular
>do not mention how [other place] didn't answer your question so you're reposting it here
>if you need to ask for clarification fifteen times in a row, try to make the sequence easy to read through
>I'm not reading your handwriting
>If it ain't english I can't speak it
How can I crosslink gelatin? I wan't to make soft and stretchy but form-stable gelatin. A bit like a gummy worm but softer, with a consistenty similar to that of human adipose tissue.