Threads by latest replies - Page 3002

(45 replies)
No.13519211 ViewReplyOriginalReport
It's statistically impossible that I won't be reborn as another consciousness. Just gonna leave this here.
40 posts and 12 images omitted
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No.13527206 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Hey /sci/, would sitting like this really increase your intelligence?
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No.13527605 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Someone play homeworlds with me
(17 replies)
No.13527103 ViewReplyOriginalReport
is there a scientific explanation for why it was deleted?
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No.13527452 ViewReplyOriginalReport
How do we deal with the inherent racism in the current iteration with stem?
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No.13527492 ViewReplyOriginalReport
How come most Organisms can’t at will ejaculate?
Why do they need to get pleasured first? Wouldn’t at will ejaculation be favored evolution?
>Creature A mates with Creature B
>The process attracts predators/lowers guard/ immobilizes

>Creature A just squeezes out, mating completed
>They go back to surviving
1 post omitted
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No.13526070 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Will DIY vaccines ever be a thing?
5 posts and 2 images omitted
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Let's settle this

No.13527288 ViewReplyOriginalReport
So is there an isolated virus of SARS-CoV-2 or do only have a sequence given to us by the CCP?
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No.13527176 ViewReplyOriginalReport
i heard ecology and zoology require an advanced understanding of math, is this really true though? wouldn't it only require you to analyze data and patterns?
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No.13526796 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Could a species erase all other lifeforms and live independently, thus becoming the ultimate living being? And then can an individual of that species kill all other members and live as an immortal organism?
For now I think that the only species capable of doing this is the homo sapiens, but are there other organisms (fungi?) which potentially could do it. I say fungi because they seem the only pathogens which are enough complex and with enough adaptability to do the task.