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How important is lipase in laundry detergent?

No.13526543 ViewReplyOriginalReport
I wanna switch to liquid detergent because I hate scoopng powder out of the box. The fine particles float up and get in my eyes and then I have to wash my eyes, also end up breathing that fine dust in, that's probably gonna cause cancer or some shit down the line.

But running comparisons of powder vs liquid ingredients, it seems lipase is nearly always missing in the liquids. Liquids seems to only have protease, amylase, and one or both of the meme enzymes cellulase or mannanase. Powders have protease, amylase AND lipase, as well as the meme enzymes.

So yeah, how important is it? I don't usually get food stains, my soiling is just from sweat and regular body dirt/grime.

Bonus question: Also what's the reason? Impossible to stabilise lipase in liquid?

(non-bio sissy fags fuck off, this is a biochad/enzymechad laundry thread)
(18 replies)
No.13526811 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Do women really mind-control men through sex? Because if so, then I'm glad to be a virgin
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(14 replies)
No.13525312 ViewReplyOriginalReport
What would an alien realistically look like? I doubt they'd be humanoid. An octopus, maybe? They're pretty intelligent.
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(67 replies)

Is exercise the biggest scam of our time?

No.13517077 ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
How is everyone just buying into this shit? How are normies this brainwashed?Everyone pretends that exercise is so healthy for you that it will somehow increase your lifespan by 10-15 years, despite there being no evidence of such a thing. The only case scenario it helps is if you are already overweight and you use it as a weight loss tool. In multiple calorie restriction studies, the mice that did CR + exercise actually had SHORTER lifespans than the mice that only did CR. It's always funny to me watching old people doing exercise, as if it's going to somehow delay their inevitable disease and demise, as if they are going to peacefully die in their sleep and not of alzheimers because they did some situps. Maybe these faggots should actually fund medical research that saves their lives, instead of pretending to not care while hypocritically performing exercise because they think it will make them live longer. Not to mention that if you are already old, your mitochondria per unit volume can not expand from frequent exercise, basically meaning that you are inevitably increasing reactive oxygen species generation from aerobic exercise, causing you to accelerate the formation of mitochondrial mutations and damaged macromolecules and crosslinks.
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(11 replies)
No.13520286 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Is intelligence as we know it (at minimum measure, standard human intelligence)
possible to exist, in Universes that have different fundamental force characteristics? What if there was no 3 dimensional spatial movement possible? Could intelligence develop there that would be analogous to what we consider intelligence?
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(11 replies)
No.13528069 ViewReplyOriginalReport
atheists of /soi/
the taliban has declared war on you. thats the same taliban that just defeated the world's greatest military superpower and the same taliban that had previously defeated the ussr.
how atheists plan to defend themselves from the taliban?
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(26 replies)

can /sci/ solve this elementary school level problem?

No.13524514 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Was helping my younger sister out with hw when we got stumped on this.

Teacher was adamant with giving a precise answer he even gave us very little room to write down the answer on the home work sheet.

My sister even tried setting up an addition table but we ran into huge problems when trying to line up all the digits we even tried adding from the left side first but we were unsuccessful when we started moving past the decimal

Im thinking about just going for half credit by stating if the sum would be a rational or irrational number but thats looking to be even harder than the original problem.

can /sci/ solve this elementary school level hw problem?
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No.13527993 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Is psychology a real science?
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(30 replies)
No.13526687 ViewReplyOriginalReport
With the Taliban returning to Khorasan how long before the black flag flies over Jerusalem?
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No.13527066 ViewReplyOriginalReport
>sorry africa, you'll have to waddle along in decrepit 19th century tier poverty for a few more decades because america has once again lured away you brightest minds with promises of lucrative scientist jobs

future historians will not look kindly on those who participated or supported the trans atlantic scientist trade
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