Threads by latest replies - Page 2999

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No.13520706 ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
If I am anal with my nurse and demand she aspirate the needle to make sure she isn’t near a blood vessel in my muscle will that diminish my risk of blood clots or inflamed heart?

I really don’t want to take this vaccine where the potential long term side effects are up in the air, but my entire family is giving my shit about how my 5 and 3 year old niece and nephew have a 0.00000001% chance of getting sick
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No.13527344 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Could someone explain to me why this equation has real solutions if the discriminant is negative?
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Math Question

No.13524295 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Imagine an amusement park with infinite rides. Because its so awesome it has infinite guests. Do any of the rides have a line? You should be able to solve this.
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(45 replies)
No.13521291 ViewReplyOriginalReport
If I boil water a billion times and each time it boils at exactly 100°C, there's literally no way for me to be sure that it will boil at 100°C the next time.
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(27 replies)
No.13523269 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Convince me that the sociopath vs psychopath distinction isn't bullshit.
People love to make themselves look knowledgeable by explaining what the difference between sociopaths and psychopaths, but I've never ever seen any actual evidence that there is a valid distinction between these two categories.
The whole thing just reeks of idiots repeating what some other idiot said.
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(8 replies)
No.13523889 ViewReplyOriginalReport
The two most common causes of spousal abuse are jealousy and gain.

>Jealousy homicides involve an offender thinking they are at risk of losing their partner to someone else. Either the offender's lover or their rival may be the target in these homicides.
>Jealousy accounted for the largest number of the intimate partner homicides that were examined in the study (40%). These jealousy cases all included husbands who killed their wives. In court documents for these cases, jealous rage or morbid jealousy were often blamed for spurring the murders.

>The second-most-common motive for the intimate partner homicides studied was gain (23%).
>In contrast to the jealousy homicides, gain homicides were more often committed or solicited by females. >Importantly in these cases, there was no prior abuse from the women's husbands. This finding goes against how we often view female killers, because they were not a reaction to domestic violence.

Why are women more likely to kill for monetary gain while men kill out of passion? Is there any research into what makes each gender tick that could answer this question?
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Can math make you dumber?

No.13528394 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Last month I started doing 4 hours of math study everyday and haven't skipped a single day since. Then when I try to read a book, my comprehension seems to wane and find myself rereading sentences to register its' meaning. Is there a scientifically proven fact concerning this or is it just mental exhaustion?
(57 replies)

Math array rebuild

No.13521396 ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Not a mathematician so forgive my limited understanding of math. I'm trying to learn.

Is the following possible in math?

input: 1+2+3+4=10

Can the values from input (ABCD) be deduced in the same order as input from the answer of 10?
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No.13528316 ViewReplyOriginalReport
What are scientifically proven ways to improve attention span? To the point of being able to read entirely a 300+ reply thread on 4chan that you have absolutely no interest of after a hard day of wagecucking?