Threads by latest replies - Page 2998

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No.13524320 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Cremating yourself will erase you completely?
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No.13525496 ViewReplyOriginalReport
would the bulb light up
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(21 replies)
No.13527265 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Why don't we just dump our garbage into volcanos?
It's a feasible solution to the growing garbage problem.
16 posts and 1 image omitted
(8 replies)
No.13527718 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Just got a JnJ. What should I expect?
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No.13528560 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Mathematically speaking, if 70% of Americans have the vaccine, and the vaccine is 94% effective in preventing new CoVid cases, how does this graph of new CoVid cases make sense?

Source for the 70%: Government.
Source for the 94%: Media.
Source for the new graph: Hospitals.

Has there ever been a time in history when people need to get a vaccine and wear a mask in addition to their vaccine just to go to the store.
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No.13528315 ViewReplyOriginalReport
What kind of intelligence do critics have?
I watch anime critics and I'm impressed by their ability to articulate why certain things suck.
(22 replies)
No.13524174 ViewReplyOriginalReport
>learn math
>its fun
thanks math
17 posts and 7 images omitted
(316 replies)
No.13508179 ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
What's the rush?
311 posts and 46 images omitted
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No.13528359 ViewReplyOriginalReport
anons, why the fuck cant i drink legaly in burgerland?
been drinking pretty regularly in germany for the last 4 years, why is this not legal in murica?
is this some prohibition crap or what?
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No.13528300 ViewReplyOriginalReport
What is an alternative to the Bell Curve?
Again and again we see people constantly discussing IQ. Every single time there is always a response from someone questioning or outright denying the integrity of the IQ bell curve distribution as an accurate measurement of intelligence.
Any thoughts?