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(5 replies)
No.13530510 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Hello, /sci/. I want to riddle you a a hypothetical question from area that's basically purely speculative sci-fi that has me thinking a lot. I suppose that's better than umptienth thread about vax and shit like that. I am not /sci/ head and I do not have any education in the field, so pardon my surface level understanding of subject matter.
This question is primarily related to consciousness and neurology. Supposing it was possible to clone human brain, do, more or less good "scan" of original brain's contents and implant it into the cloned one in order to, for instance, prolong osomeone's existence, we can still deduce that it doesn't really at face value, logically. Original person is still very much alive, and their consciousness is not the same as their clone. This dilemna was main theme of "SOMA" video game. Same thing regarding thought experiments focused on teleprotation- even if we were able to completely "deconstruct" someone and "reconstruct" at different spot in space, person that we "teleported" is very much dead, even as person being end result is continuity of them.
Now, human body is in continuous state of "shedding" old cells constituting it and replacing them with new ones. This leads to cycles between each body is basically wholly replaced, and aging is related to fact that, over time, our body loses ability to do this reliably enough, right?
If there was a way to craft artificial cells and their products (i.e. neurons) by man, and somehow , over time, do the same p[rocess, but replacing human brain's neurons with artificially made ones, slowly but surely, would end result of such process still be same continued consciousness and conversely, the same person? Would that make such eprson effectively immortal?
(7 replies)
No.13530581 ViewReplyOriginalReport
>burning hot engine
>low oxygen
>freezing temperatures

>engine sucking in huge amounts of air filled with oxygen
>burning engine counters freezing environment temperatures

Ok... but how is he hanging on at 300-750MPH?
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(40 replies)
No.13526452 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Coud something vibrating/oscillating at the right frequency be able to phase through solid objects?
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No.13529223 ViewReplyOriginalReport
The spacetime interval is defined as s^2 = x^2 - (ct)^2
What is the meaning of there being a minus sign there? The further apart in time the events are the closer they are together? Taking it further, an event 10 light-years in the away and 10 years in the future is a spacetime distance of 0 away?? I don't see how two points so far away could be interpreted as occupying the same point.
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(192 replies)
No.13500549 ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Why is the Midwit Mountain phenomenon so common?
Its almost as if average IQ really does make you dumber than low IQ
140 IQ = 70 IQ
140 >100
70 > 100
187 posts and 23 images omitted
(5 replies)
No.13530594 ViewReplyOriginalReport
There are N buckets. All except one are filled with liquid of unique color to capacity. The last bucket is empty. What is the most efficient algorithm to end up with N buckets that all contain the mixture of all available colors in equal amounts?
(24 replies)
No.13528627 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Realistically, how bad of an idea is it for me (23 years old) to get the AstraZenica vaccine?
Pfizer is a long way off for the majority to be eligible to get in my country (Australia).
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No.13530400 ViewReplyOriginalReport
There's 3 buckets. One is empty, one has a red liquid, one has a blue liquid. What is the most efficient way to end up with 3 buckets with equal parts red and equal parts blue liquid? You cannot use anything other than the 3 buckets that you have.
(6 replies)

Neutrinos are skimming the 4th dimension

No.13528299 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Criticize this pet theory.
1 post omitted
(27 replies)
No.13528574 ViewReplyOriginalReport
22 posts and 5 images omitted