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No.13530243 ViewReplyOriginalReport
If all the major governments could find a vaccine this quickly, then why haven't they found a cure for cancer yet?
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No.13529894 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Why are most people on here midwits that feel good and smug about superficially understanding their field, but have no inner monologue?
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No.13530471 ViewReplyOriginalReport
So, how pozzed is heating tobacco compared to burning tobacco like normal cigs? The amount of nicotine is the same, but according to Big Tobacco, there's no harmful side effects like tar and shit.
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No.13530773 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Theoretically is this possible though?
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No.13528926 ViewReplyOriginalReport
What's the deal with articles saying that we need to abolish the notion that people have different learning styles? it comes off as a idea that's worse than No Child Left Behind.
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Removal and Uses of Atmospheric Carbon Dioxide

No.13524485 ViewReplyOriginalReport
I've been thinking a lot about climate change recently. It's been a few years and chemistry was never my strong class in school, but there's nothing fundamentally wrong with the attached, right?
I think we should be able to take combustion products and turn it into fuels. However, while there will be a net energy loss because 2nd Law but as long as it is from a renewable source (i.e. solar/nuclear), I'm not sure how much. 20%?
Additionally, if we can synthesize hydrocarbons, is there a reason we can't make plastics? Plastics are infamously resistant to decomposition and quite a few are are primarily carbon by mass. Is there a reason we couldn't take H2O/CO2 from the atmosphere and convert it to plastics and store it in Yucca?
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Vaccines and Race

No.13528834 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Why is there such a divide between people who take vaccines and their race?
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Hossengoblin BTFO!

No.13521901 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Intuitionistic mathematics proves the existence of free will and the indeterminism of the future
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