Threads by latest replies - Page 2990

(5 replies)
No.13530618 ViewReplyOriginalReport
>talent doesn't exist anon!
>everyone's bad when they start!

>initialize one neural network randomly
>it performs worse than chance
>initialize another network randomly
>it performs better than chance

Fuck drawing.
(17 replies)

can we please add another catagory to report a thread?

No.13522031 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Let's have a category where you can report a thread and choose "This belongs on /pol/". If the mods agree to the report, then the thread would be automatically transferred to /pol/. There were 49 threads on /pol/ regarding covid/vaccinations. Why do we need the spam to spread onto other boards such as /fit/ & /sci/?
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With enough kinetic energy can a human be knocked into constituent partickes?

No.13530837 ViewReplyOriginalReport
(8 replies)

anyone know why the past MRNA vacs never made it to Phase III?

No.13529653 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Reading at Childrens Hospital of Philadelphia's website explaining the history of MRNA tech.
They say that MRNA isn't a new tech but has been used for many illnesses in the past.
However, I notice that they say:
A) Only completed Phase I & II
B) Afterwards they weren't licensed to be used on humans
Any idea where I can find facts on why A and B occured?
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(27 replies)
No.13530442 ViewReplyOriginalReport
>vaccine is high risk for young males
>virus is low risk for young males

Why do boomers insist that zoomers risk heart attacks, blood clots, and inflammation for a virus that they have a 99.994% chance of surviving
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(24 replies)

Dating a mathematician/physicist

No.13528545 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Have you dated one ? How was your relationship like ?. I personally find them incredibly attractive and mature. I am friends with alot of them since their course load is comparable to mines. I am quite busy and my libido is almost nonexistent, but i am also afraid i might not have the chance to meet and marry one again in my life.
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Vaccine Magnetism

No.13529476 ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
I'm looking for some help making a good faith investigation the claims that covid vaccines result in magnets sticking to people's arms. The sheer preponderance of videos showing it and people claiming to have witnessed it leads me to suspect there's some degree of truth to it, but trying to research it has turned nothing but hard line propaganda efforts to discredit as being "disinformation just is, ok?"

A number of claims related to covid that were so forcefully labeled as disinformation at first (such as the lab leak theory) are slowly coming around to mainstream acceptance, so I'm disillusioned with the idea of just trusting the narrative propagated by authoritative figures and the mainstream media at face value. The effort to censor and bury videos and claims of this appears so strongly coordinated and deliberate that I'm beginning to wonder if there is an element of truth to this they're trying to hide.

I've checked the ingredient list of the Pfizer and Moderna vaccines, and neither contain metals or other magnetic materials to my knowledge. If any of you guys have any other evidence for or against these claims that I'm not aware of, or reasonable explanations for why there are so many of them, I'd be grateful to see it. I'm not fully convinced either way yet, and I don't feel comfortable leaving it up in the air.
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No.13530775 ViewReplyOriginalReport
If someone is infected and has just reached the stage of showing symptoms, would they be at the point where they will test positive?

Or can there be a day or two of symptoms where you will still test negative?
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