Threads by latest replies - Page 2988

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Which one of you did this? Wtf is wrong with Springer Health?

No.13531341 ViewReplyOriginalReport
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Chemsitry Youtube Channels

No.13527667 ViewReplyOriginalReport
I was looking for something like Nile Red, but with more riguorous in their explanation of why they are doing what they are doing, instead of just showing befores and afters
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(45 replies)
No.13529013 ViewReplyOriginalReport
How does the third inequality follow from the first?
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No.13525374 ViewReplyOriginalReport
I get UFOs are supposed to be real, supposedly, but can you not have Mary the Psychic Medium telling me about the aliens emotional powers, thanks
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(5 replies)
No.13531700 ViewReplyOriginalReport
>mathematical rigor
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No.13531556 ViewReplyOriginalReport
what is the lower bound for the size of the universe in relation to the observable universe?

what is the upper bound?

what is the most likely ultimate fate of the universe?
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No.13531363 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Would convergence evolution of humanity help explain a lot of our social issues?
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No.13527870 ViewReplyOriginalReport
shut up and trust the science, goys
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No.13531589 ViewReplyOriginalReport
i know melanin production is due to melanocytes in skin, so my question is does pigmentation differ between people due to the concentration of melanocytes or due to the rate of melanin production, or both? just wondering how to approach turning my skin dark so i avoid getting gassed for existing while white as an easily expected result given the anti-white hatred perpetuated by western media.
(9 replies)

Male Attractiveness - what does it signify?

No.13529543 ViewReplyOriginalReport
And why are women attracted to it?

There is definitely such a thing as "inherent and objective" attractiveness. I've also seen it in every race, basically. Typically these guys have features that are sort of "average" and not super defining for their race, but they also look very distinct at the same time.

But the question is, what purpose does attractiveness serve? Note that I am separating attractiveness from height.
I think height is easy, it indicates that the man had more access to resources (which guarantees survival). A short man MAY have had access to resources, but you wouldn't know it. A tall man is GUARANTEED to have done so, because if he didn't, he wouldve died of starvation.

But what does facial attractiveness signify in a male? Is it an indicator of some sort? If so, what does it indicate?
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