Threads by latest replies - Page 2986

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Is the spike protein toxic?

No.13531184 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Are the vaccines safe to take, or are the top doctors and scientists with the highest of credentials who claim otherwise correct?
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(22 replies)
No.13531266 ViewReplyOriginalReport
>start arguing with a guy on reddit
>he acts extremely retarded so i call him a mentally disabled person
>he ends up actually being mentally disabled
why is reddit so funny, bros?
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(64 replies)
No.13528342 ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Your safety cable has snapped and you're now floating 4 m away from the space station. You are not in motion relative to the station.

There is nothing you can grab to pull yourself back into the station.

What do?
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No.13531960 ViewReplyOriginalReport
question from Rosen that filtered everyone
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Rock ID

No.13530646 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Hello /sci/.
I've been finding these beautifully sparkly rocks in a park in upstate NY.
They are shaped like rectangular prisms.
Are there any geologists here who could help identify?
Pic related is the rock
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(13 replies)
No.13523885 ViewReplyOriginalReport
what is intergalactic space like? if technology allowed would there be potential to build space stations or build mega structures to house people? supposedly intergalactic space isnt completely empty, there is gas and even some stars, planet, etc.
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evolutionary/darwinian origin of religion

No.13530323 ViewReplyOriginalReport
here is my theory, religious practices were positively selected not only for their etiological explanation of natural phenomena (thus lowering the stress caused by confusion/cognitive dissonance, which is detrimental for the fitness) or for their role in fixing moral absolutes which condemn behaviours that decrease the overall fitness, but also because the upper classes (priests, divine rulers) could use religion, maybe inconsciously, to fortify their authority and continue to exploit the resources and the labour of the masses, always to preserve their own genome, in a sort of parasitic relationship.

this is also in my opinion the reason elites promote leftism today (maybe unconsciously), they are limiting the access to resources to the to divert them towards theirs.
(15 replies)

Mold near toothbrush dangerous?

No.13531027 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Recently, I've discovered mold in the plastic bag I was storing my toothbrush in. I put my toothbrush in this bag to shield it from toilet spray since my sink is awfully close to the toilet

In hindsight, this was a stupid idea. There was no actual mold on the toothbrush itself which is why I took a long time to notice. I've also been having insomnia for a month now when i've never had it before, and I have had this insomnia before discovering the mold. Can (probable) mold consumption cause insomnia? Could this possibly be linked or am I just paranoid? Can this amount of mold cause deleterious effects?

My toothbrush head was presumably touching this mold for ~3 months. pic related

this is the only helpful board on this site, thank you.
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(14 replies)
No.13529866 ViewReplyOriginalReport
>Simulation Hypothesis
is there anything that is more intellectually embarrasing than this?
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