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No.13531398 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Have you ever thrown a ball into the sky really high and it comes back to you? That's because it bounced off from the Earth-Dome energy.
Have you ever seen the reflection from a flashlight when you point your light into the night sky? The first aura layer from the Earth-Dome's energy caused the reflection.
Have you ever seen a balloon go into "space"? There is no space. Depending on the size of the balloon, it either lost its helium when it got too close to the first layer, or the first layer's energy popped it.
Have you heard of the challenger incident? this was the very first actual rocket to attempt piercing the dome. All other rockets were just computer simulations. The sheer pressure of liftoff disrupted the first layer energy, which caused that energy to be reflected back twice more powerful.
have you heard of the sputnik satellite? it never actually "disappeared", the advanced magnetic fields on the satellite caused it to pierce the first layer and be absorbed by the tremendous energy of the void between the first and second layer.

Please feel free to comment anything about the Earth-Dome
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Lain Point Theory

No.13531193 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Everything is comprised of non-existent references and then an arbitrary parallelism.
I've come to the realization that there is no precedence, distinction, priority, etc. in existence.
Ok so imagine a zero space, and in this space there is a point now within the same space we draw another point, the space between these two don't exist, as we know 0 + 0 = 0.
So within a zero space there are an infinite amount of infinite directions. We take one direction of the point and store an imaginary reference to the other point. I call this the C operator for Conjoin. and then I have the inverse that undoes it. Then I can use those to make the B, Bijection, operator that inserts points in-between a reference.
Now via arbitrary operations and what not I can develop further.
Using the BI, Bijection operator I can insert point for some number of times along the right.
P-P-P-P-...-P now I can use this analog as a parallelism to natural numbers as and then develop arithmetic and what not.
Then I can use the Hitomi Analysis and the indiscriminate infinity to set a unit basis for reals.
And so on.
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(10 replies)

How long for the first jab to work?

No.13531141 ViewReplyOriginalReport
I’m likely getting my first Pfizer shot Wed morning and I’m attending a big indoor sporting event Friday night. I’ll be wearing an N95 and glass or some kind of eye protection for sure but will I be at least a little protected from the vax for this shit? I heard it takes two weeks, then I heard the vaccine starts working the first day. Am I fucked?
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What causes body odor?

No.13531460 ViewReplyOriginalReport
>inb4 first google result responses
The study of body odor has been considered a settled science up until a little over a decade ago when we started investigating the significance of human pheromones on behavior
Due to this, nearly all results on the surface of the web are relating to an old theory where it was 100% caused by bacteria
While I'm sure that plays a part, and that people who don't clean themselves properly smell significantly worse because of it, how much of body odor is merely natural fragrance that we've been unknowingly conflating with a bacterial infection due to obsessive use of deodorants and antiperspirants?
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No.13531767 ViewReplyOriginalReport
I’m not sure if this question has been asked before or if this is the right board to ask but I want to get a better understanding on vaccination mandates. Do they violate human rights? I’ve looked up sources online but I remain skeptical. Asking for myself and others that work in a healthcare facility.
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(21 replies)
No.13530816 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Is it even worth holding out for Novavax at this point? I've refused to take the mRNA vaccines because I was hoping Novavax's would've been available by now. Now it sounds like they won't even be ready until the end of the fucking year. Should I just get the Pfizer jab at this point?
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Just a reminder

No.13527590 ViewReplyOriginalReport
India has the world's largest magnet
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Titles to Management

No.13531115 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Employed /sci/ guys, what is your opinion on the official profession titles such as engineer, doctor, and so on being phased into management roles with what previously comprised part of the job description now being accomplished by "technicians"?
I am poor at phrasing this as ESL. I mean, the actual engineering being done by technicians and unlicensed new hired, with the engineer signing the paperwork just doing what a consultant used to do. In the future, will we see surgery being completed by surgery technicians, and the surgeon stands at the back and signs papers good to go?

What if in the future, the "mathematician" is just the employer who pays wages, and the analysis and cmputation is done by a new tech buzzword that still requires graduate study, and mathematician just has an MBA?
I'm getting at, I am scared of this "title creep" when I think oh man, a hundred years ago no one would question i am a mathematician, and today I will be scoffed at unless I have PhD minimum.
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No.13531784 ViewReplyOriginalReport
sussy wussy prisoner's dilemma
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No.13533050 ViewReplyOriginalReport
>i go on to defend and promote the mainstream media's version of reality
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