Threads by latest replies - Page 2980

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No.13534545 ViewReplyOriginalReport
is this scientifically accurate?
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No.13534770 ViewReplyOriginalReport
science and engineering in art
post ur best pics
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No.13532317 ViewReplyOriginalReport
>be me
>take antibiotics
>diarrhea this morning
>stomach cramps, pain, literally explosive diarrhea
>wake in agony
>ac broken
>gf bitching

>eat greek yogurt with probiotics
>no more stomach symptoms

wtf? this shit actually works? what next /sci/, what do I do about the girlfriend question?
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(23 replies)
No.13528357 ViewReplyOriginalReport
When I try to implement these recursive functions in java, and use the input (x, y) values given (5,4 and 4, 3) I get a stackoverflow error

static int gFunc(int x) {
return x + 1;

static int fFunc (int x, int y) {
if (y == 0) {
return 1;
return x * fFunc(x,y);

Could anyone help me solve this exercise? I don't understand what I'm doing that's wrong
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Shit they are teaching us in Medschool RN

No.13529652 ViewReplyOriginalReport
The same people who a couple years ago would label this a mental illness, per DMS V. Thoughts?
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Math Parker

No.13532542 ViewReplyOriginalReport
What's your opinion on him and similar pop-mathematicians?
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Water From Air

No.13531927 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Is this real, or is this one of those Indiegogo scams?
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(22 replies)
No.13530405 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Every so often I see people on here mention 'ungratefulness' because we're so lucky to be in first world nations as a sort of appeal to the amount of suffering in the world which leads me to think about how flawed that line of criticism is. I couldn't have just as easily been some slumdweller or a starving nigger in Africa, could I? For me, it makes no sense. I was always going to be me, because I'm here. A long line of people lived and died so I could be born. Me. How could I have been someone else if I'm currently in existence? I was born because of that unspeakably large amount of people, and the only way I wouldn't be was if they weren't either, because that's just how it is.
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No.13534234 ViewReplyOriginalReport
The Taliban have captured massive amounts of top secret tech, including several MH-60s.
How long before all the technical secrets go public and will it be awesome or cringe?
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