Threads by latest replies - Page 2979

(66 replies)
No.13531211 ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
I majored in economics and I regret it daily to the point of considering suicide. Do you have any academic regrets ?
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(14 replies)
No.13534733 ViewReplyOriginalReport
how many of you nerds were on the football team in high school?
probably none lol
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(46 replies)


No.13527409 ViewReplyOriginalReport
How long until we see the first signs that we're actually close to building an AGI?

Because until now, literally all the work being done is theoretical.

And do you think it's possible for a lone genius to be the one who will develop the AGI, as opposed to a company or university?
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(51 replies)

Ogallala Aquifer

No.13527953 ViewReplyOriginalReport
This thing is gonna be dry in only 20 years. How devastating is this going to be?
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(112 replies)
No.13532761 ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
So, since all you red pilled people are so smart, tell me when the two Pfizer shots I got will kill me and how. If you can't do this then you're paranoid and or delusional.
107 posts and 10 images omitted
(7 replies)

Which country should I move to after I get my engineering degree?

No.13532630 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Not sure if I want to do scientific or development research for a tech company. If I do want to do scientific research I would like it to be mainly focused on one of these areas: nanotech/optics/biomedical. I like germany as it seems to be the best country in Europe to both raise my future children and have a good job. Currently my other options are Switzerland, Canada, Norway or US. Which one is the best for me? Any professionals in these areas happy in the country they are living and working?

Posted this on /trv/ but figured this board is more appropriate.
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(5 replies)

Am I getting this?????

No.13532350 ViewReplyOriginalReport
About 1/2 of theoretical math, chem and physics labor pool is employed to obfuscate the true nature of the universe by duct taping it's broken quantum models to everything so that the resulting cluster-fuck maze of relativist notation and self referencing non-quantifiable constants causes us to kill ourselves before we learn how many joules H1 produces before recombination to it's diatomic form?
(26 replies)
No.13533290 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Should we as a species slow down a bit? Are we pushing things too far, too hard, too quickly? Scientifically speaking, that is.
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(5 replies)
No.13534701 ViewReplyOriginalReport
What does E mean in math? We never covered this in school. For example, if I have 2.12765957E-10, what does that mean?
(5 replies)
No.13534914 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Hey all you fa/sci/sts, I have a proposal to get rid of mask mandates. We will falsify a paper claiming that Delta has mutated to become resistant to masks, and then leak it to the media as an "internal CDC report." They love that shit. MUCHFAG will eat it up (Media, universities, corporations, Hollywood, Fauci, activists, government)

Who's in?