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Covid probability question

No.13535192 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Two men have a maskless indoor conversation. One is vaccinated and the other is unvaccinated. Who is more at risk?
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Forming opinion about science

No.13535977 ViewReplyOriginalReport
How does one form a solid opinion based on studies in topics such as medicine, neuroscience, and other related fields? How to discern shitty studies from non-shitty ones and not to draw wrong conclusions? Not really talking about STEM right here, since many fields are too niche and advanced for a layman to even remotely understand. Not talking about self-medicating as well, just drawing conclusions on your own to understand how to improve health and well-being.
What would the ideal process look like?
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No.13536837 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Can science explain this phenomenon?
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No.13536915 ViewReplyOriginalReport

how would you rate the importance of the following for being able to do shit like that:

computer engineering
electrical engineering
mechanical engineering
software engineering
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No.13523222 ViewReplyOriginalReport
I should have gone into tech.
Why am I still studying Chemical Engineering? It's clear that the salary and career growth is nothing compared to the ceiling tech offers. Techbros are graduating and making 150k in a couple of years while I'll be stuck slaving away on shitty projects nobody cares about making peanuts in the middle of nowhere
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No.13536879 ViewReplyOriginalReport
The President of the International Mathematical Union should not remain silent, but must intervene and say a Mathematical word to all those interested in Mathematics in the world, and to say this:
"Mathematics is an exact sciences and not an abstract one, and it is necessary that we all who are interested in Mathematics unite in order to develop a scientific plan to establish a valid Mathematics for teaching and study free from the illusion of infinity."
-Mohamed Ababou-
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No.13536433 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Whats the science behind racial crime statistics? Why do blacks commit so much more violent crime than other demographics?
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No.13536090 ViewReplyOriginalReport
sentience is too much for me, god, jesus, ai presiding over this simulation, anyone who can hear me, please get me out of here, iwant out i want out i want out. scientifically speaking, why does this happen? why does an organism whose basic building blocks (dna) strive for survival want to die? was edward dutton right about this being the result of higher mutational load, that i am an abomination that wasnt meant to be, thats why i feel the need to die? if not, why would an organism develop such pain mechanism that would result in a hastening of its own death? am i getting closer to breaking out of the simulation or just entering into psychosis? im in so much pain rn scibros, give me a reason why
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