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Math, Software

No.13522384 ViewReplyOriginalReport
What do think about systems like Lean, Coq?
What wrong with this software?
What makes it so hard to learn?
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No.13531766 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Are this pothead's books worth the time? I assume they are pretty dated
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Politics in math

No.13534245 ViewReplyOriginalReport
>Join AMS and MAA as grad student
>receive newsletter today
>"The National Association of Mathematicians (NAM) is one of more than a dozen organizations joining forces for the 2022 Joint Mathematics Meetings (JMM). NAM promotes the mathematical development of all underrepresented American minorities in general and African Americans in particular."
>"Spectra’s first official conference will be hosted virtually by the Institute for Computation and Experimental Research in Mathematics (ICERM), August 18-20. The goal of the conference is to create a meeting for LGBTQ+ mathematicians where all branches of the mathematics community (applied, theoretical, and education) are represented and to create a space for LGBTQ+ mathematicians both to celebrate achievements and to spark conversations on challenges in our community."
>"This workshop, sponsored by AIM and the NSF, will build on recent efforts in the mathematical sciences to reimagine and rebuild graduate programs with an aim of realizing the potential of people who identify with groups underrepresented in the mathematical sciences."
>"The AMS is conducting a national search for a Director of Equity, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI)...and serve as a member of select committees while playing a key role in facilitating measurable, effective change in advancing equity, diversity, and inclusion at the AMS and within the mathematics discipline."
>"The AMS invites applications for the Editor-in-Chief of theinclusion/exclusion blog. This blog increases awareness of the experiences of marginalized and underrepresented groups in the mathematical sciences, with the goal of building a more inclusive, supportive, and diverse mathematical community."

Not a single one (1) actual mathematical topic.
Why do these associations and societies exist again?
They just talk about talking about math, and give you a tiny discount for books you can buy at a tenth of the price used.
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Most Scientific Way to Approach Mental Disorders?

No.13537548 ViewReplyOriginalReport
I have an anxiety disorder which I'm fairly sure is OCD but I cannot confirm as it has not been diagnosed. Instead of doing the usual band-aid fix bullshit and going to a Psychiatrist and getting SSRI's, I want to do it right.

What do you guys think of asking my GP about a full spectrum of blood tests to determine which nutrients, antioxidants, amino acids etc. I'm clinically deficient in? For example, in sufferers of OCD, they have very low Glutathione levels compared to normal people, and their Glutamate production and regulation is off.

There's as there's an industry surrounding mental disorders, I can see why this approach is almost never taken. Much more profitable to keep people addicted to anti-depressants or worse.
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SARS-CoV-2 variant Lambda

No.13528882 ViewReplyOriginalReport
"Structural analyses of the Lambda spike show significant changes in antigenic sites including the 246–252 deletion in an antigenic supersite at the NTD loop and, L452Q/F490S within the RBD that may account for immune escape. Our analysis of pseudotyped viruses also suggests increased infectivity driven by the Lambda spike."

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No.13536287 ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
is this scientifically accurate?
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No.13536532 ViewReplyOriginalReport
should virus lockdowns be permanent?
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