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No.13528372 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Is it possible to get rid of fetishes/sex addictoin? Asking for a friend who only gets turned on by monster hentai, of course.
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Is /sci/ aware of this?

No.13534416 ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Exclusive: Inside the World of ‘Extreme Proliferation’: How Billionaires Like Elon Musk Abuse Fertility Science to Achieve Immortality

According to leaked information from an overseas fertility clinic, power-couple Elon Musk and Grimes (Born Claire Elise Boucher) recently visited the French clinic the name of which has been withheld from documents received by this reporter for an (as far as we know) unprecedented medical procedure too expensive to be affordable for the vast majority of Americans. It is one which is expected to lead to dozens of other procedures involving at least 40 surrogates.

Human biology prohibits a woman from having more than a certain number of children. Every woman has a fixed number of cycles of fertility in her lifetime, a fixed number of viable eggs, and the uterus itself has limitations. Serious complications can result from an excessive number of lifetime pregnancies, with each pregnancy carrying with it substantial medical risk that accumulates over time for women who opt to have very large numbers of children.

The largest number of children had by a single woman that can be verified historically is 33, with 10 surviving into adulthood in the case of Mary Jonas and her husband, John, in the 19th century. There have, over the years, been more extraordinary claims, but none that can be factually substantiated.
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No.13537925 ViewReplyOriginalReport
>Yah Stacy that's anon, he took the vaccine
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Estimating Vaccine-Induced Mortality

No.13538058 ViewReplyOriginalReport
What does /Soi/ think of this vaccine mortality study?

"At 360 million doses delivered, these estimates suggest between 72,000 and 180,000 (or maybe even a little more) vaccine-induced deaths in the U.S. during the experimental COVID-19 vaccination program."
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No.13537871 ViewReplyOriginalReport
>create vacuum
>same concept as grabbing empty space and expanding it's emptiness
>surrounding area gains energy potential
>gets upset and wants to kill the emptiness
>grab plastic bag
>fill it with air
>send it to space
Will the space want to consume the bag? pic not related
(17 replies)
No.13534997 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Considering every nucleated cell, is the human genome the most abundant in nature?
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Fusion is the great filter

No.13536902 ViewReplyOriginalReport
there are billions of planets with the same conditions as ours in our galaxy alone, before you even get to the 2 trillion galaxies in our universe and then potentially trillions of other universes
and if life was common we would have been visited by or seen evidence of alien life by now
there is without doubt a great filter that prevents life from spreading throughout the galaxy, if we have not already passed the great filter (highly unlikely, we've not been capable of anything to wipe out an entire planet before) then it is something that all life stumbles upon, for that to be the case it has to be something that seems completely safe and is easy enough for an advanced civilisation to do
fusion will be the end of humanity, there is no way a civilisation with near unlimited power created by fusion would limit itself to one planet and stay vulnerable. Hence the great filter has to be something civilisations achieve BEFORE space colonisation, but at or beyond our current level of technology
we are very close to the end of humanity
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No.13537235 ViewReplyOriginalReport
osteopathy and kinesiotaping are quackery, right? is pseudomedicine popular where you live? why is it so popular in germany? germans dont have particularily low IQ. have you had any contact with pseudomedicine?
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Runtime analysis

No.13536617 ViewReplyOriginalReport
How do you solve questions like this:

x = 1
while x <= (log n)^2:
x = 3x

Runtime should be:
log log n

Does anyone have some kind of resource how to analyze the runtime of loops?