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No.13538501 ViewReplyOriginalReport
can you figure this out or are you bad at math?
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No.13536259 ViewReplyOriginalReport
>The Celsius and Fahrenheit scales are interval scales because the location of zero on each scale is arbitrary. For a temperature scale to be a ratio scale, zero must NOT be arbitrary. If zero is defined as the temperature where molecular motion stops (absolute zero), then a ratio scale for temperature can be defined.

Are scientist retarded?
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No.13534148 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Why is bullying someone online and in real life so addictictive to some people? Look at communites like kiwi farms for example. Or in Germany we have the Drachenlord bullying community. These communites get off from bullying one person for years until they go to prison or suicide. What is the scientific explanation for that? Does it trigger the reward system of the bullies? In what way? Are there any studies about that? I think it is an interesting phenomen.
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No.13537584 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Does hot food contain more calories?
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No.13538795 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Factitious Disorder Imposed on Another (FDIA)
>Factitious disorder imposed on another (FDIA) formerly Munchausen syndrome by proxy (MSP) is a mental illness in which a person acts as if an individual he or she is caring for has a physical or mental illness when the person is not really sick.
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Vaccination during Pregnancy

No.13534328 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Do you think this Study actually well done?

there seems to be an error on table 4

Regardless, we would like to advise readers that the referenced article contains a serious error regarding the interpretation of the data presented in Table 4. Prospective cohort studies are routinely performed to establish the safety of novel obstetric interventions. Such studies typically compare, at the same gestational age, the wellbeing of a cohort that underwent the intervention to that of a comparable control cohort (or, in the absence of this, the pertaining population) without the intervention. Nonetheless, the cited study compared the control population’s incidence rate of spontaneous abortions of 10 to 26% prior to week 20 to the incidence among the 827 study participants of which 700 received their first dose only in the third trimester, i.e., after week 26. However, a correct comparison with the remaining 127 participants sets the 104 spontaneous abortions recorded prior to week 20 at an alarming incidence of 82%, i.e., 3 to 8 times higher than in the control population. This observation suggests that obstetric vaccine safety is severely compromised during pregnancy and may lead to decreased willingness among pregnant women to be vaccinated.
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No.13537526 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Does it really all come down to rote memorization for introductory type things?
I haven't been in school for a while but I wanted to do some studying to become big brained.
Do you meme mind palaces into your mind or do you just rely on repetition.
What are your study habits /sci/?
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No.13536045 ViewReplyOriginalReport
what chemical thingy is that fellow science enjoyers
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No.13535022 ViewReplyOriginalReport
What about eyes being close together makes you more battle ready?
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Black people are fat people of anti-BLM tweets: Science confirms

No.13530904 ViewReplyOriginalReport
So you thought black people were fat because they ate too much junk food, huh. Typical white supremaciss. They're actually fat because of anti-BLM tweets, Scientific Science now confirms.

Thanks, Science!
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