Threads by latest replies - Page 2948

(160 replies)
No.13533246 ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
How can you perform an infinite number of actions in a finite time?
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(20 replies)
No.13541126 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Why haven't they destroyed the world yet? Don't they produce black holes?
15 posts omitted
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No.13543538 ViewReplyOriginalReport
>doesn't get tired
>doesn't complain about "muh work conditions"
>doesn't require weekly wages
>can work 24 hours in a day and on weekends
>lower operating costs for businesses
>Improved work place safety
>Increased production output
>improved production quality control

give me one good reason why we shouldn't replace you dirty lazy labour force wagies as soon as possible?
(16 replies)

Defending a small structure...

No.13541702 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Hey /sci/ I'd like some input on the best way to defend a small structure from attack by a satellite based positronium annihilation gamma-ray laser. What is the most expedient and cost effective method for preventing the death of the occupants? Subterranean burial? Lead shielding? Something I'm not thinking of? Also how long after being attack by such a weapon should one wait before exposing themselves to residual radiation effects?

11 posts omitted
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Fly species more stupid than others?

No.13543345 ViewReplyOriginalReport
I'm currently on vacations in the Alps and I have a strong impression that flies in this region are really easier to catch/kill. I can approach them very easily to kill them. Do you have any explanation to this difference?
(74 replies)
No.13533155 ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
>Age of the Universe: 13.7 billion years

Do you agree?
69 posts and 9 images omitted
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(152 replies)
No.13526763 ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
>school makes you dumber
is this true /sci/?
it sure would explain a lot of things if it is
147 posts and 25 images omitted
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