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No.13542510 ViewReplyOriginalReport
How do you explain the evolution of human races?
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No.13542196 ViewReplyOriginalReport
What does causation have to do with freewill? Causation has to do with stimulation and influence, but that has zero to do with whether or not you are able to accept or deny a reason to act ("freedom"). Causation decides your menu but it doesn't prove whether or not you are able choose the meal. Can this be refuted?
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Dark matter is light

No.13541757 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Today I was having a walk while smoking a joint when the idea occured to me: Dark matter is light. As simply as that. Radiated by the galaxy, its contribution to bend the gravitational field is huge because of the immense volume. I was happy to realise this, and I wondered if someone had thought it first. Making a google search I found:
Some dude had the idea first 7 years ago, and he was mocked. But I know he's right!
There is this crazy physicist, Miles Mathis, who said the same in 2019, nobody took him seriously just because of his funny prose
The academia first started to study this less than a year ago.

I just can't help smiling thinking of all the media telling soon: Guess what? Dark matter is light! Amazing!

That's it, folks, thanks for reading. Have a nice day
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(15 replies)
No.13544692 ViewReplyOriginalReport
which vaccine to get if I already was infected?

biontech or johnson?
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No.13544962 ViewReplyOriginalReport
>What do you mean this paper isn't peer reviewed? I'm not reading this garbage.
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No.13536821 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Scientifically speaking, why was this list made and reviewed by a team of "scientist" so wrong?
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No.13544411 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Should we require proof of circumcision to access public services? Public health would be greatly improved by barring use of public transportation, libraries, internet, government builds and several other services, unless proof of circumcision is furnished. It's just common sense. What if you sit on the same toilet seat as the uncircumcised and catch a disease?

We should get as many circumcised as possible before we resort to a mandate.
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No.13540558 ViewReplyOriginalReport
If calculus is so important then why is it so hard? Why haven't they made it simpler for the rest of us?
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One time use time machine

No.13543060 ViewReplyOriginalReport
If you had a one time use time machine, and you could travel to any date (for the sake of this exercise use let’s just say it’s the geographical midpoint of the USA), which date would you pick? If you go too far into the future, there might be nothing left. But if you don’t go far enough into the future, you might still wonder about what comes later.

If you go into the past…anon…I can’t even. But it’s up to you. Pick a date.

For me I would pick 25,000 AD. I think it’s far enough that things would be interesting but not so far that the world would be incomprehensible to me.
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