Threads by latest replies - Page 2943

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No.13538552 ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
165 posts and 27 images omitted
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Man who thinks he's a woman wants a uterus implanted to give birth to a child.

No.13541353 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Even if his body doesn't reject the organ, he would still be barren right?
A male body can not on it's own set into motion the steps to make a child grow and sustain this process long enough until the child is old enough to be born, right?
Would it be possible with extensive hormone therapy?

Can you alter the male body to give a life birth? Ship of Theseus?
31 posts and 7 images omitted
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No.13545283 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Companies working on climate change are going to be getting a lot of money. What are some of the best companies to work at (and get paid) as a mechanical engineer?
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No.13540102 ViewReplyOriginalReport
How close are we to net positive gain fusion energy?
15 posts and 2 images omitted
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No.13545118 ViewReplyOriginalReport
>Using any treatment for Covid-19 thats not approved by the FDA can cause serious harm
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No.13545084 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Is it just me or do circus peanuts appeal to me on an instinctual level? there's something arousing about them, they make me want to cut a Bulgarian man's cock off and collect his blood into a jar. I feel like science might have an explanation.
(6 replies)
No.13544705 ViewReplyOriginalReport
>white people start global warming
>end up making their own countries more temperate and comfortable
They can't keep getting away it.
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