>>13544596I've had tinnitus for 10 years.
I got it from a Siemens MRI scanner.
I sat outside the chamber because I was comforting someone who was having trouble breathing.
The specialist physician attending the machine did not give me any ear protection.
When the magnet switching started the sound outside the scan chamber was piercing. I felt as if it was going right through my brain.
I focused on comforting the person getting the scan. (Btw the patient does not get the sonic blast from the relay switching inside the mri machine, that is by design)
Three days later I woke up with a high pitched noise in my ears. It has never left me.
In the first 2 years it became so loud that sometimes it was the same level as general conversation.
I wanted to die. I once bashed my head on my car steering wheel in traffic because I could not take it anymore.
My advice: TRT therapy (Tinnitus Retraining Therapy)
It teaches you to live with it.
I don't think it will ever go away, its much softer now after ten years.