Threads by latest replies - Page 2925

(9 replies)
No.13546952 ViewReplyOriginalReport
>be me, engineering undergrad
>loved all the differential equations and numerical methods classes, cant wait to apply them in real world
>start my internship
>everything is done with software, almost little to no math involved
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Spintronic Photon Binning for Improved Cameras

No.13549167 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Spintronic Photon Binning: Paving the Way for Camera Sensor Resolutions Capable of Supporting Flash LiDAR Aircraft Detection at Ranges Comparable to RADAR

As we approach the middle part of the 21st century, alternative modes of detection of low-observable aircraft will continue to become more essential as the world moves to an entirely low-observable aircraft fleet.

Infrared detection as well as active Flash LiDAR are both effective for detecting objects such as aircraft, but ranges are limited by the sensor resolutions of the cameras used. High-end camera sensors of today are capable of resolutions of about 100 Megapixels. These sensors are based upon electronic semiconductor technology that must convert photons into electrons and furthermore requires that many photons strike the sensor in order to reduce image noise. The more sensitive the setting of the sensor, the greater the noise.

Future computer systems are likely to be purely optronic, given their massively higher clock speeds, low energy demand, and low heat generation. Those computer systems would also allow for taking full advantage of fiber-optic communications systems which must also convert optical signals into electronic signals (and back again.)
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No.13544989 ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
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No.13545164 ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Seems pretty legit and clear that being vaxxed is helping ICU admissions, can any ICU staff confirm this?
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Something about the covid variants I am not clear on

No.13546174 ViewReplyOriginalReport
We can all agree that getting vaccinated is clearly the optimal decision to make. I'm on my third shot of Moderna and am scheduled for my fourth in October.

That being said, I am a little confused about the relationship between covid variants and the vaccine.

From what I've been able to find out, the covid vaccine would be able to end the pandemic, if only everyone would get it. But because there are anti-vaxxers who haven't, the virus has been able to evolve to evade the vaccine-conferred immunity.

My question is this - how will we be able to end the pandemic through vaccination, if there are currently variants that are able to infect vaccinated people?
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(13 replies)
No.13547491 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Can someone explain why the author is referring to a sequence x_n when x is just the continuum of real numbers between a and b? Why do they say "The sequence of such x_n has a point of accumulation C in the interval"? I don't get why they're bringing up sequences here. I also don't get why |f(x_n)|-|f(C)|>=n-f(C)
Why did they drop the absolute value sign on f(C)? If f(C) was negative then this wouldn't be true.
(Rest of proof in comments)
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No.13547509 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Plasma is as hot as 106eV (1eV ~ 11600K).

What is hotter than plasma?
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No.13548723 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Will believing something hard enough make it come true?
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analysis, number theory, and differential geometry

No.13548708 ViewReplyOriginalReport
is he a genius or was it a low hanging fruit?