Threads by latest replies - Page 2921

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No.13550001 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Scientifically speaking can vaccines prevent hurricanes?
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No.13550123 ViewReplyOriginalReport
What is the InfoWars of science journals?
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No.13546995 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Why didn't anybody come?
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No.13550389 ViewReplyOriginalReport
>eat anything containing oxalates
>feel ill
why is this, /sci/? I have gilbert's syndrome and maybe more
(8 replies)

too much coffee = cancer?

No.13547888 ViewReplyOriginalReport
coffee induces CYP1A2 gene polimorphism and CYP1A2 is implicated in the synthesis of procarcinogenics
Is too much coffee this bad?
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(16 replies)
No.13549952 ViewReplyOriginalReport
First world countries
>have centuries of 130+ IQ scientists' innovations
>cancer rates sky rocketing
>ocean, air, atmosphere, soil, and ground water all polluted
>food is less nutritious
>rise in allergies/asthma
>obesity rates permanently increasing
>jobs turned into sedentary office work
>family values disappearing
>mental illness is becoming normalized
>anxiety and depression are now common
>socialization decreasing because of the internet

Remote isolated tribes
>clinically retarded
>cared for their families and friends
>never knew pollution, cancer, allergies, obesity, or anything
>literally just hang out and die
>have good lives

Can someone explain to me how science/scientists are a good thing? It all just seems to go in a circle anyway. Like they think they've discovered something and then it just leads to another mystery that makes it look more plausible for god to exist anyway.
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No.13550312 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Major contractions to hidden variables theory?

What's the most convincing evidence that hidden variable theory could be correct?

What's the most glaring fault/issue with hidden variables theory? (Hard mode, name an issue that doesn't have anything to do with whether or not evidence can be observed from within space-time)

Everything below this line, is opinion.
These opinions can not currently be tested to have supporting evidence or evidence that refutes them. Unless new proposals for gravity's interaction in virtual wave-space are published, this is speculative only at this time:

Personally, I like the hidden variables theory. It may allow for virtual force vectors, that only exist for tensors along dimensional axis's outside of space-time, to have an observable effect within space-time. I.E. a Dark Energy and/or Dark Matter explanation that could potentially be tested, if we ever think we have an accurate model of gravitational waves' movement along the "virtual" axis that we can't directly observe, we should be able to predict how and where we should see these differences have an impact on mass distribution for large cosmological structures.

Also, I am not Gary, but I am curious whether Gary's Optimum automata could simulate the virtual vector space, that is an additional dimensional axis. Space-Time+1
(10 replies)
No.13548466 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Hello how many bananas can i eat before dying from radiation according to this chart?
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